Deputy Principal

Start with the End in Mind
I welcome all families back for the start of the 2024 school year. There was a great buzz around the College this morning as we welcomed our new Year 5 cohort as well as Years 7 and 12 students back to the campus. We look forward to the rest of our students returning tomorrow. Can I extend a special welcome to all new families to the College. You have joined a very special community and I look forward to getting to meet you over the coming weeks.
Seeing the students again and seeing the grounds come to life made me think back to Speech Night in early December last year. It was an amazing evening where we celebrated the achievements of not only our academic prize winners but also our Co-curricular Program both sporting and cultural. It was a night where our students really did “SHINE.” We received so much positive feedback on the night from parents/carers, students, and staff.
Standing on stage and witnessing the achievements of our students and staff made me feel so blessed to be a part of the St Patrick’s College community. Looking around the Quaycentre at times I did feel a tinge of sadness as there were some empty seats where students should have been sitting, however they were absent.
Now I know life gets busy and things come up in our family. However, we need to prioritise community events. To remain a strong community, we need to build each other up and celebrate our achievements with each other. So, to start the year with end in mind can I ask that all families put in their calendars the date for the 2024 Speech Night, Tuesday 3 December.
Annual Update of Family Details
As the academic school year begins, the College requires your assistance updating information that enables us to communicate with you and best care for your son/s.
In TASS Parent Lounge (the College administrative system) we have information relating to your family and your son’s medical details. Please take a moment to review and update this information.
Updating Details:
- The Parent Address Details tab lists your family information – please check telephone numbers and email addresses.
- The Residential Address is where the student/s lives and should be a street address.
- The Emergency Contact details should provide alternative contact/s other than the parent/carer.
- The Medical Details require updating if your son has any specific medical conditions.
For a visual guide on updating your address and contact information in TASS Parent Lounge, click here.
To log into TASS Parent Lounge, click here.
All families have a username and password (Hint: Your Parent Lounge username is the account number on your Fee Statement). New families have been allocated a single login, and an email with this information has been sent. If you have issues logging in, email
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal