Primary School News
Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School
Primary School News
Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School
By the time you read this newsletter, we will have already had our first, full day here together in the Primary School for 2024. It was a momentous day, as we welcomed our largest cohort in the history of the Primary School. I trust the holidays were a chance to relax with family and allow yourselves some time to rest, without the rigours of school schedules that add to the busyness of your homes. The boys seem very happy to be back in a routine and to catch up with friends they may not have seen during the holiday break.
I would like to welcome our dedicated teachers back to our Primary School and wish them every success for the year ahead. This year, with the expansion of our Primary School, we welcome seven new staff members to our Marist family.
Mrs Bec Somerville 5 Maroon Teacher
Mr Michael Jones 5 Red Teacher
Mr Matthew Wilson 5 White Teacher
Ms Molly Keir 6 White Teacher
Ms Ella Graham Learning Support
Mrs Deanna Lawliss Learning Support
Mrs Erin Kennedy Primary Office
We wish all our new staff a happy and successful 2024 in our Primary community.
Please ensure that you read the College newsletter each week to keep up to date with everything that is happening in the college. If you are yet to download the college app, please make this a priority as a lot of important information will be shared using this app. There will be times when emails are sent out to parents for various events. Please check that these are not going to your junk mail folder.
On Monday, we welcomed our new Year 5 and 6 students to the college. It was so pleasing to see the boys enjoying their time here and mixing well with others right from their very first day as Marist boys! I trust that Monday was the first day of many happy ones for your son, here at the college. Thanks to all the parents who attended the morning and assisted the boys throughout the day.
I would like to once again, request that your son’s name be clearly marked on any item that he brings onto college grounds. This includes clothing, sporting equipment, lunch boxes, stationery etc. Having names marked on all items assists us greatly when trying to return lost property quickly.
Please ensure that your son is aware of the arrangements for pick up in the afternoons. All this week, Primary staff will walk groups of boys to the College bus stops and Moola Road pick-up zone so that they become familiar with how to get to these places to help make heading home as smooth as possible.
A reminder that all parents are encouraged to attend our Year 5 and Year 6 Information Evenings being held next Wednesday, starting at 6:00pm. These will take place in your son’s Primary classroom and will provide an opportunity for you to meet your son’s teacher and find out more information specific to his class. Following the Year 5 meetings, there will be a parent social, hosted by the P&F and starting at 7:00pm in the Science Centre foyer. This is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 5 parent cohort to get to know some other parents and celebrate the completion of one full week together here in the Primary School.
For catering purposes, we would ask that Year 5 Parents click on the link below and register their attendance.
January 26 Australia Day Public Holiday
January 27 Year 5 and 6 Sports Trials
January 30 College Inaugural Mass
January 31 Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information Evenings
February 2 Year 5 Belonging Day
February 3 AIC Sports Round 1 Matches