From the Acting Head of College

Mr Charles Brauer

‘First Light’

There’s the first day. The first week. The first term. And then there’s ‘First Light’. With all these ‘firsts’ being encountered by our Marist Family this week, it’s this latter ‘first’ which will accompany us to the last. 


We join with our national Marist network being encouraged to explore the possibilities which reside in the concept of ‘First Light’. ‘First Light’ draws from within a sense of renewal, hope and possibility. The very same fundamentals we have seen personified this week - the beaming smiles of new Year 5 students wearing the blue and gold for the first time, the neatly stocked lockers of our Year 7s (almost certain to become less neat before long!), our proud College Leaders offering guidance and support to our younger students, the hugs goodbye-for-now by our boarding families as our students move into their home-away-from-home, students bouncing out of their cars at our Moola Rd drop off. What wonderful sights! What wonderful human examples of renewal, hope and possibility.

Our Marist Students

We extend a warm congratulations to our 2023 Seniors whose hard work and dedication to their studies has yielded wonderful outcomes, including, outstanding ATAR results and 149 students awarded one or more VET qualifications. A particular congratulations to Louis Rebula who received the highest possible ATAR of 99.95. Congratulations to all 2023 Seniors who have been successful with receiving a tertiary academic scholarship. The continued success of our academic program can be attributed to the strong partnerships and efforts of teachers, students, and parents.


We are so very proud of Reuben Simpson (Year 10) who been awarded the winner of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation “If I was Prime Minister……..” competition. Reuben beautifully articulated his agenda for change and improvement in Australian society. His focus as Prime Minister would be on payment schemes for those struggling with mortgages, subsidies for household expenses and an educational and employment approach to responding to the “teen crime epidemic”. In short, and quite wisely, Reuben would “tackle the cause and not the outcome”. As a winner of this competition, Reuben will meet with the Prime Minister in February. Congratulations Reuben!


Many students proudly represented the College in various co-curricular competitions, camps and tours over the break. Our 1st Volleyballers competed in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup in December on the Gold Coast. Our musicians, swimmers, 1st XVIII AFL have participated in camps to hone their crafts. Our 1st XI cricketers performed very well in the AIC T20 competition. A sincere thank you to all our staff who have enabled these opportunities for our students over the break.

Our Marist Staff

Our staff shared time together last week preparing for the term and year ahead. Our Tower Building, Draney Theatre, staffrooms and offices were abuzz with holiday stories, professional presentations and quality collaborative time together. This was a special time for our 29 new staff who join us in either a teaching or non-teaching capacity. Collectively, our staff are very well-positioned for a great start to the year. 


Our Middle Leadership Team of Pastoral, Academic and Program Leaders plays a vital role in enabling the strategic direction of our College. Aside from two changes due to staff leave, our Middle Leadership remains unchanged, maximising continuity for their vital work. We congratulate Ms Kathryn Badini who will assume the Acting Curriculum Leader Academic Care (Senior Years) role and Mr Marcus Schrader the Acting Head of House – Ephrem role, both for Term 1.


The College Leadership Team has also spent quality and productive time together across the past two weeks. The expertise and synergy of our team was affirmed throughout this important time. With Mr Michael Newman on leave, I will be Acting Head of College, with Miss Jen Smeed shifting to Acting Deputy Head of College and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg to Acting Deputy Head of College Learning and Teaching. Mr Adam Knight joins our College Leadership Team in the role of Assistant Head of College Learning and Teaching (Senior Years). As well as welcoming Mr Adam Knight the team, I thank the College Leadership Team for their continued dedication to quality leadership for our College.

Prayers for One Another

There are some in our Marist Family who have recently experienced the loss of loved one. Our continued prayers are with these families, as is our ongoing support. St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill are enduring the loss of a student over the holiday period. We keep the ‘Joeys’ community and all those impacted by this loss in our prayers.


May the perpetual light shine those who have passed. May they rest in peace in the arms of our loving God.

Our Marist Family

Ritualising the beginning of our time together this year is essential. To this end, our Inaugural Mass, Investiture and Academic Awards will occur next Tuesday 30 January at the Great Hall of the Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre. Having this special occasion held off-site will enable more from our Marist Family to be present. College Leaders, Year 12 students and Year 5 students will be presented with their respective badges, whilst Academic Awards will be presented to those students who excelled in their studies last year. All parents and guardians are warmly welcome to attend this key celebration. An invitation has been distributed to families, with RSVPs required by 10:00am Thursday 25 January.


My heartfelt well wishes to all in our Marist Family. May the opportunity of a new year provide you ‘First Light’ - renewal, hope and possibility.


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

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New Staff Induction
New Staff Induction
New Staff Induction
New Boarders Arrive
New Boarders Arrive
New Boarders Arrive
Boarders Welcome Back
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Boarders Welcome Back
Primary School Orientation Day
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Primary School Orientation Day
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New Staff Induction
New Staff Induction
New Boarders Arrive
New Boarders Arrive
New Boarders Arrive
Boarders Welcome Back
Boarders Welcome Back
Boarders Welcome Back
Primary School Orientation Day
Primary School Orientation Day
Primary School Orientation Day
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Upcoming Events

Tuesday 23 January

  • All Students Start Term 1
  • House Meetings
  • Primary School Assembly
  • Year 7 and 12 BBQ
  • Year 7 Laptop Information Session - Champagnat Centre - 5:00pm
  • Year 10 Laptop Information Session - Champagnat Centre - 6:00pm

Wednesday 24 January

  • Mass in Chapel – all welcome
  • Primary Morning Study - Primary Computer Lab
  • College Assembly

Thursday 25 January

  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • AIC AFL Opens Trial Round v St Patrick's College

Friday 26 January

  • Australia Day Public Holiday

Saturday 27 January

  • AIC AFL Trial Round v St Patrick's College

Sunday 28 January

  • Boarders' Mass - Chapel

Tuesday 30 January

  • Inaugural Mass, Investiture and Academic Awards