School Council

School Council Newsletter Report - 7 December 2023
Last Thursday, we met virtually as School Council one last time before the end of the year.
Mr Farfalla and the Policy and Curriculum Committee have been very busy ensuring all our Policies are up to date and meet the requirements of the Department of Education. He presented 10 policies for our review. These documents have been adapted to include activities and practices at WVPS that further empower our students and staff.
It has been another insightful year for Katrina, Chris, Uday, Mel and myself, as parent members of the Wyndham Vale School Council. We have had the privilege of seeing the inner workings of our school. Understanding not only how the finances work, where the funding comes from and how it is allocated throughout the year, but also how Sue and her team react to challenges and constraints to get things done. The continued departure of staff heading off on new adventures, and the ongoing process of recruitment has been addressed at every meeting this year, and will go on as classes are finalised for the year ahead.
The School Council has reviewed and authorised so many excursions and school camps, the funding of security cameras, the change of our OSHC provider and once again supported the amazing efforts of our Parents & Friends fundraising endeavours. We have endorsed the school budget for 2024 and those curriculum days the kids love.
But, for now, I am very much looking forward to not packing lunchboxes or washing uniforms for 6 weeks. So, on behalf of the School Council, I would like to wish all of our Wyndham Vale Primary School families a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. We hope you enjoy this time with those you love and return refreshed and excited for another year of learning.
Sharon Gatt – School Council President