School News

Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this message finds you well. We would like to inform you about an important change that will take effect in our school starting in 2024, which reflects our commitment to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all.
In the spirit of inclusivity and respect for personal preferences, we are giving our staff members the option to choose how they are addressed. Beginning next year, our staff can opt to be addressed by their first name or their preferred title, such as Mrs., Mr., or another title they feel comfortable with.
This change is designed to acknowledge the diverse identities and preferences of our staff members and ensure that everyone feels respected and valued within our school community. We believe that addressing our staff in a manner that aligns with their preferences fosters a more welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.
We encourage our students and families to be considerate of these choices and use the name or title that each staff member has chosen. It is important that we all work together to make this transition smooth and respectful for everyone involved.
As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence in education and creating a safe and welcoming environment, we believe this change will further enhance our school community's inclusivity.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please feel free to reach out. We value your feedback and are here to assist in any way we can.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in providing the best possible educational experience for our students.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Laird
Assistant Principal
The Auslan program for 2023 has focused on students working in collaborative groups to achieve tasks and practice signed communication during discussions. The course content has been planned and designed around students’ interests, such as animals, food, families, sports and places we visit. Students created their own learning charts by taking photos of themselves demonstrating Auslan signs and creating google slide presentations. Students’ work was used to demonstrate WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) to encourage peer to peer learning.
Mini Olympics- A day enjoyed by all.
Grade 2 Excursion to Werribee Mansion
Road Safety:
Wyndham Council have contacted us to inform us they will be patrolling our school area due to the large number of complaints they have received regarding dangerous driving, parking across drive ways and on the nature strips as well as the school crossings not being used.
We are asking that you are vigilant at all times and role model for our students the following:
Cross at the school crossings
Do not park on the nature strip
Do not park across our neighbors driveways and block them
Do not double park to drop children off/pick them up
Do not speed, be aware of your speed and the speed limit during school hours
Pedestrians are to give way to vehicles at round abouts.
It is in everyone's best interest to keep the students safe and be respectful to those around you and be a good role model for the students -
WVPS Staff - DO NOT cross the road without using the crossing
The school gates open at 8.20am not earlier, please do not drop your child/ren at the front office any soon. Please remember to pick your child/ren up on time, school finishes at 2.55pm. If you cannot be at the school by 2.55pm please make alternative arrangements as our office staff have commitments within the school and cannot look after your child/ren.
All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.
Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.