School Captain's Message

Hello Teachers, Students, and Parents of WVPS,
As the school captains of 2023, we have a few things we would like to reflect on that have made our leadership journey so amazing. When we all presented our speeches to become School Captains, we were excited in anticipation of what we could achieve.
We made suggestions about changes that could be made to the current school diary. We are so excited that our ideas were taken onboard, and the students of 2024 can look forward to a new and improved student diary.
We worked with Nature West to learn about the animals that inhabit our school grounds and worked to plant trees and create a habitat garden. Most of us had never gardened before!
We worked with the Mayor to map safe walking paths for students and families. We spray painted the paths and celebrated with our Active Travel launch.
We attended the student leadership forum for 2023, which was organised by an excellent leader herself, MP Joanne Ryan. We met many student leaders from other schools, and it was a great example of student voice.
We have also had the honour of interviewing and selecting the new School Captains for 2024. We have learnt many skills that we wish to share with the new School Captains of 2024, who did an amazing job with their applications and will be amazing role models to look up to next year.
As school captains of 2023 we would like to say thank you and goodbye.
School Captains: Isabella & Yemi.
Vice Captain: Mae