Parents and Friends Group

Issue 8 orders are making their way home now.
We would like to thank all the families who placed an order or three through Book Club this year.
Our school receives Scholastic reward dollars from every order placed through our Book Club. With your support, we have received $1,080.38 this year which will be used to purchase new books and classroom resources.
Our final fundraiser for 2023 is just about over!
A big thankyou to everyone that has made a donation. We are still accepting items until tomorrow morning. So if you have something at home, please pop it in your child's bag.
There are several businesses within our community who have also made a contribution that we would like to thank:
Adventure Park Geelong - Pope Products - Lenscape Optical Manor Lakes - Bunnings Werribee - Coles Manor Lakes - Baby J's Werribee - Woolworths Wyndham Vale - Kmart Manor Lakes - Sports Co Manor Lakes The raffle will be drawn on Monday 18th at 9am during assembly. All winners will be contacted if the prize is not suitable for the student to bring home. Tomorrow is our final wrapping day! If you're available and have your WWCC, come on down to school and join in the fun of making up the prizes.
The P&F would like to thank everyone that has supported our fundraising efforts this year.
2023 has been a very successful year which wouldn't have happened without the 50+ volunteers from within our school organizing and running each of our events. We were incredibly lucky to have so many people wanting to make a contribution.
We would also like to acknowledge the school leadership team, council and faculty who have supported us throughout the year by approving new events, assisting with planning and volunteering on the ground beside us. This includes our wonderful teacher representative Mrs Palmer, who has given up her time and Art room throughout the year to assist us with all our social and fundraising endeavours.
Lastly but most importantly, we would like to thank our school community. You may not have been able to volunteer your time however if you ordered books, lined up for fairy floss, visited a BBQ or purchased raffle tickets, you helped us raise over $12,000!
It takes a village and we did it together!
We wish you all a happy and safe holiday break.