Our School Leaders 

Last Friday, students across the school eagerly awaited the announcement of leadership roles within their respective classes. We were so proud of the way the children conducted themselves; cheering on their peers as they were elected SRC or Environment Leaders for Semester One. 


Leadership opportunities like this are so valuable, as the children involved will have the opportunity to work with children across year levels as well as work closely with different teachers on whole school initiatives.


We congratulate the following students on their appointment of SRC and Environment Leadership. We can't wait to see what they will achieve!



Prep A:  Lydia J, Henry S

Prep M:  Freddie K, Charlotte D

1J:  Elliot L, Floss A

1N:  Jack C, Abi G

2L:  Daniel D, Abi T

2N:  Leo T, Ellie Z

3D:  Max N, Gigi R

3M:  Lachie VdG, Henry P

4C:  Lewis L, Clemmie L

4W:  Rayaan N, Domenica O

5C:  Maddy T, Jessie G-W

5D:  Phoebe F, Leo M



Prep A:  Sailor DW, Freddy H

Prep M:  Iris M, Elijah V

1J:  Hugh H, Liah H

1N:  Will D, Luella N

2L:  Tom S, Lidia H

2N:  Lawson S, Willow L

3D:  Ned V, Emmy J

3M:  Alex C, Gabby DD

4C:  Rosa M, Ben S

4W:  Jack C, Jasmine K

5C:  Willow P, Matthew DP

5D:  Ava S, Finn G

Alongside our leaders being announced, our Year 6 cohort was presented with their Year 6 jumpers and school leader badges. There were plenty of parents, grandparents and friends just beaming with pride as the Year 6 students were celebrated by their school community. 

As part of our Year 6 leadership initiative the children completed their preferences to work in a particular leadership sphere for the term. 


Through engaging activities and responsibilities, our Year 6 students will develop strong leadership qualities such as effective communication, teamwork, decision-making and problem-solving. These skills are not only crucial for academic success but also contribute to building confident, empathetic, and responsible individuals who can make positive contributions to their community.


We are pleased to introduce the following leadership groups.

Our Smoking Ceremony/Reconciliation Leaders

Our Athletics Day Leaders

Our Quiet Club/Dance Club Leaders

Our School Tour Leaders

Our Social Justice Leaders


The Year 6 leadership groups have already begun working with respective teachers on their initiatives. It was a pleasure to meet with the Smoking Ceremony leaders earlier this week to map out their tasks for the term and the ways they will showcase their learning to our school community. We are looking forward to having these students up skill themselves on the significance of a smoking ceremony and to visit our Prep to Year 5 classrooms to present to all of the students. 


Keep an eye out in the newsletter to find out more about the experiences and opportunities our students are provided with through the Year 6 Leadership Program.


Alannah Harrison

Deputy Principal