Learning and Teaching
Welcome Back
It is always great to commence a new school year and welcome families and students back to the College. Each new year brings with it a sense of hope and enthusiasm that can really set the tone for what is to come.
It has been pleasing to note the way the students have returned following the break; many seeing the return as a continuation of what has already commenced in Flying Start. As teachers, we are wanting to engage with students and ensure that we bring out the best in them, so working together from the start is crucial.
The role of parents in ensuring all students are on track cannot be understated. Acknowledging that it can sometimes be difficult, setting a routine at home and sticking to it is a foundational approach that is most helpful from the start.
One of the main challenges is getting the balance right between having to continually ask and cajole regarding the routine and the students experiencing the consequences of their choices, be that positive or negative.
Having spent a significant amount of time talking to students who achieve to a very high standard, there are four features that are continually reinforced and we offer these in support. They are:
- The student has a clear routine at home, including a defined start time and approach for home study.
- The student sets time aside for learning outside the classroom and fills the time with study, as opposed to only getting done what is asked of them. This is particularly relevant in Years 9 to 12 as students are required to complete exams at the end of semester, with preparation required across the semester.
- Adherence to routines and meeting responsibilities are driven by the student, not their parent or carer. This includes altering routines as required (such as for a family or sporting event), however still prioritising home study thereafter.
- Parents and carers are still involved; they make allowances and support students as needed however they act as a sounding board as opposed to an instructor or driver of routine and study.
Whilst there is no hard and fast recipe for success, what is important is that we are involved in the lives of those students in our care and ensure that they are supported to make the right decisions. Sometimes this requires a gentle reminder and other times a more rigid approach. Nevertheless, when we all work in partnership - the College, the student and the responsible adult - the chances of the student experiencing success increase markedly. We look forward to the positive outcomes that this brings.
Teaching Staff Updates
Whilst the commencement of the school year has been smooth, St Bede’s College has - like many schools across Australia - faced challenges in filling a number teaching positions for the commencement of the school year.
We continue to work to ensure that all classes have a teacher allocated as soon as possible. Whilst we have suitably qualified staff currently employed at the College to cover all classes in question, limitations on how many classes each teacher can teach means that some teachers are able to support the class in question, however are unable to teach it on a permanent basis.
As such, the coming weeks may require some re-allocation of staff whilst we work to employ new teachers. Some of this re-deployment will be temporary (until a new appointment is made), whilst some will remain for the semester or year. In either case, our decision will be made based on what is in the best interests of the students coupled with what is possible from a staffing perspective.
As a College, we ask for parents’ and carers’ understanding at this stage at this time. Our endeavour is to address most of the issues in the first two weeks of the school year and communicate directly to families should there be any issues.
Should you have any concerns, I would encourage you to contact me here at the College for a discussion. We thank all families for their ongoing support as we work through this.
Home Learning Practice for Year 7 Students
Learning outside the classroom and outside school hours is a key to academic success.
In order to clarify for students the expectations regarding home learning at St Bede’s College, a targeted approach with Year 7 students has been established. It will be very helpful for parents in supporting students to ensure they are aware of what is required to be done at home.
Here at our College, a classroom bell rings at five minutes remaining in the period. When this occurs, students take out their diaries and write down the activities that they are required to complete at home. It is expected that the activities set for each lesson will take no more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete. At this early stage, the focus is in Maths, English, Science and Humanities, however other subjects may also use the approach.
It is the student’s responsibility to take their diary home to ensure that they know what needs to be done. The purpose of set activities is to:
- Consolidate the learning from the day, and / or
- Prepare for learning in the class that follows thereafter.
Parents and carers are encouraged to check the diary and support students in completing the activities. There is an assigned space for parents to sign the diary at the conclusion of each week, and Homeroom Teachers will regularly check diaries and guide students around organising their time effectively. Rather than employ a punitive approach with students who do not complete activities at home, teachers will come from a supportive perspective that endeavours to establish appropriate routines and thereby meet responsibilities.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s Homeroom Teacher, the appropriate Learning and Teaching Leader (Mentone - Mr Ben Wilson, Bentleigh East - Ms Amy Collins or Ms Sarah Williams), or relevant Year 7 Coordinator (Mentone- Mr Carl De Souza, Bentleigh East- Mr Billy Natsioulas).
We look forward to working collaboratively with all Year 7 families to support our students.
Brenden Mair
Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning
Science Learning Resources
This year, we’ll again be using Stile as a key resource to support our Science teaching here at St Bede’s College.
Stile is an Australian made, internationally-recognised Science curriculum, the brainchild of Australia’s former Chief Scientist, Alan Finkel. It’s focused on the science behind real-world, global issues, and is updated on a weekly basis to incorporate cutting-edge scientific advances. All of Stile’s digital resources are customisable, and we’ve tailored it to suit the unique needs of our students.
How does my student access Stile?
Stile's digital resources are availablehere. Students simply sign-in using their school Google account. Ensure you only access the official STILE X app and website. No further payment should be requested.
These digital resources are complemented by Stile's printed workbooks and an accompanying app for smartphones. The workbooks will be given out to students at the start of each unit of work. They’re a revision and consolidation resource for independent learning, and are designed to explicitly model the study skills that are vital to success in Years 11 and 12.
After a comprehensive look at other available resources, we are confident that Stile is by far the most rigorous, evidence-based science resource available to schools. Its real-world science, critical thinking and study skills will set our students up not just for academic success, but to be informed, reflective young citizens ready to tackle tomorrow’s problems.
To discuss any aspect of our Science program, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
Learning Area Leader - Science and Digital Technologies