Student Engagement



17 baristas have put their hands up to get involved with the Anson Street Barista Program. 


Some of the crew are experienced barista veterans who know their way around a latte like the back of their hand. Some are brand new to the barista experience. 


Our focus of the week was "Working as a Team" and the baristas did exactly that. The more experienced students assisted the students who were new to the program with aplomb. 


Big shoutouts to Ivy O'Halloran, Ethan Hanrahan, Dylan Reihana and Riley Gilbert who represented the barista team for morning tea that proceeded after the dedication of the hall to Toot.  


But this week's Employee of the Week is Leilani Butler! The first week of the barista program is always pretty messy.  Leilani was the exemplification of the old adage "There's no use crying over spilled milk". Great baristas are made from spilled milk and dropped espressos. With spills and splashes comes resilience and perseverance and when Leilani spilled some hot chocolate, she laughed it off, got straight into mopping up and gave it another go! Awesome work, Leilani!

Kruz serving Ms Cridland her money's worth with a very full coffee!!
Kruz serving Ms Cridland her money's worth with a very full coffee!!

Liam Low

Engagement Officer