Inside the Classroom

Early Primary

Greetings to all our new Kindergarten students! The start of the year in Class 5 has been truly fantastic, witnessing significant growth in students' school journey. Each day, they are evolving into more confident and independent learners. Actively participating in swim school, exploring our school community, and immersing themselves in numerous enjoyable learning activities have been highlights of their experiences so far.


Class 10 has been buzzing with activity lately. The students have been immersing themselves in phonics lessons, tackling interactive math challenges on the smart board, and filling their days with both learning and laughter. Imaginations have soared during captivating story time sessions, and swim school adventures have not only kept the students active but also instilled essential water safety skills.

In Class 11 students have been busy exploring many different areas of learning. They've been having fun and learning important skills during swim school. They've also been participating in many exciting literary activities like book conventions and Auslan. Our students are enjoying borrowing books from the library and getting hands-on with their learning activities.

Billie-Jo Rutten

Early Primary Assistant Principal

Upper Primary

Students in Years 4, 5,and 6 have settled into the new school year well. We have been joined by some new students and staff this year. Swim school has begun and already there has been great improvement in all students confidence and movement in the water.

Class 12 have been working on developing independence and fine motor skills through a range of activities in the classroom. They have also been exploring other areas of the school including the Engine Room and playgrounds. 

Kari Priest

Upper Primary Assistant Principal

Stage 4

Welcome to all of our new Year 7 students who have joined Stage 4 this year. A special welcome to our four new Year 7's who have arrived from other primary schools. All the students have been active in making new friends and supporting each other. Well done to our Year 8 students for helping their new peers fit into the Stage 4 routines.  


Stage 4 have joined together to practice ball skills during our combined PE lessons. This term we are focusing on T-ball skills. The classes participated in different skills and drills including ball catching, throwing and hitting. Everyone was very supportive as we all did our best in the exciting game of T-ball where we could put these skills into action. 

Stephen Gross

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

Welcome to one and all. 


The past few weeks has certainly been a busy and highly productive time for Stage 5 students and staff, settling into new classrooms, establishing solid routines, rekindling friendships and exploring new spaces within the school.


Exploration of new spaces include, however, not limited to; Anson Farm, The Library, The Zone (Climbing Wall) and the Environmental Track (BMX)


Students have settled into their new environments, they are actively engaged in a wide range of quality learning and experiences designed to enrich and challenge thoughts and embrace curiosity.


Curiosity Clubs continue in 2024 and provide students time to immerse themselves in new learnings in an array of focus areas, such as Auslan, Design & Technology and Marine Studies.


Skills House continues to thrive, with numerous skills being enhanced via hands on learning i.e. ironing, making beds and even personal care (nails & hair).





Breakaway have commenced, providing students and staff the opportunity to flourish in a wide range of activities across the school, including radio school, cooking, gym, mindful art, ninja gym, relaxation, computer club, climbing group and BMX riding.


Celebrating Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year), Ms. Edwards (Class 18) and Mrs. Hargraves (Class 19) classes embraced the year of the Dragon and students prepared and cooked fried rice, shared fortune cookies with all Stage 5 students and designed very creative artworks. We are reliably informed that the Dragon symbolises luck, strength, ambition and charm. While in Mr. Tabbernor class (Class 17) all students are keen and enjoying learning experiences, especially Cosmic Yoga.



In English students will continue to focus on Jessica Watson OAM novel - True Spirit, an amazing story of a young lady confronted with challenges, isolation and great fulfilment of success.   



Hugh Rasmussen 

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

Year 11 students have enjoyed their transition into stage 6, from playing games in the senior space at lunch time, working with all the stage 6 staff in a variety of fun and new subjects. 

Curious learners in stage 6 are ready to kick goals in 2024. Happy to be back at school with their friends, routines and engaging learning experiences! Food technology has been a hit already with students making yummy fruit kebabs and savoury muffins to enjoy. 

We have had many laughs and fun learning experiences this term playing sport, visiting the skills house and Anson farm. Class 4 had the pleasure of hosting the first secondary assembly of 2024 and they all did an amazing job. A very special congratulations to our 2024 school leaders and sports captains. 


Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Assistant Principal 

Orange Learning Centre

We have welcomed some new staff to the Orange Learning Centre in 2024. Mrs Sheryll Selwood, Mr. Chris Wood and Ms Bek Regan are collaboratively teaching the Tutorial classes - and doing an amazing job!

Our students have dived straight into learning in their classes, challenging themselves with many different activities. Some students have also begun planning for transition back to their home school.

We have also welcomed therapists into our spaces to assist with our learning as well as exploring places like the Engine Room.




We have been watching the grapes grow in the vineyard for the last few months, taking a photo every few weeks. We are excited to be getting close to harvest. 


Speaking of harvesting, have a look at the bumper crop of carrots we harvested just last week. Any recipe ideas would be greatly appreciated. These carrots were planted by Danny in Term 3 of last year. If you look closely you might see a capsicum and onion.




Kate Griffen

Head Teacher OLC