Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

As we welcomed students back to school our expectations were: Be Responsible - wear school uniform and be ready for learning. It is important for students to wear the correct uniform to school so there will be less distraction and to ensure students are comfortable and ready to focus on their learning. If you have any issues providing a school uniform for your child/ward, don't hesitate to get in touch with the office for support.


Our current focus is: Be Respectful - Grow your mind: Be Kind

When communicating with each other use appropriate language and kind words. Swearing does not belong in our school and often results in miscommunication and highly emotional responses. 




Welcome BBQ next Thursday

We invite our school community to come together for a fun afternoon of music, games and food. This is an opportunity to meet other families that may be new to our school and catch up with friends you might not have seen over the break.

Hope to see you there!



Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator and Deputy Principal


Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

Welcome to another exciting and inspiring year at Anson Street School! We are focusing our wellbeing program on the character pillar of Kindness this term. This week, in particular we take our inspiration from our dear friend and colleague "Toot" who was the epitome of unconditional kindness, not only with words but with her actions. This Friday we celebrate Toot and try to take a bit of her with us into the year ahead.

This year the Wellbeing Team is focusing on character pillars in action. We will be seeking opportunities for students to share and spread kindness to others in their greater community as well as in the school.

Keep an eye out for future announcements and opportunities to get involved in some exciting events.

Jenny Rosser

Deputy Principal