Performing Arts & Mandarin News 

This year the whole school celebrated Lunar New Year by combining Mandarin and Performing Arts classes. The children learnt all about Lunar New Year, Chinese Zodiacs and the different celebrations that occur to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was fascinating to learn about how the zodiac signs came to be and how to perform a Lion dance to ward off evil spirits. The students had a ball making their own lion masks and dancing a lion dance together!

We love utilising the talents of St Columba's staff! 

This week Ms Romic came into Performing Arts to show the year 5/6 children some ballet basics as part of their Dance & Movement Unit. Ms Romic was a member of the Australian Ballet in her teenage years. 

It was fascinating to learn about her experiences, how disciplined the dance style of ballet is and practise some tricky ballet moves! Our favourite moves were those amazing turns. Thanks Ms Romic!!