EMC Professional Learning

During a busy first week of term, On Thursday 1 February, Elisabeth Murdoch College hosted a professional learning session from the educational organisation, IRISConnect. Christophe Mullings, Head of Education at IRISConnect, outlined how the video technology can be used to improve teaching expertise and Ian Price, Learning Specialist: Professional Learning, explained how Elisabeth Murdoch College has used the IRISConnect resource to improve the development of teachers at the college. Christophe has a wealth of educational experience in schools in the United Kingdom and has worked as Head of Education at IRISConnect since 2015. He travelled from New Zealand to discuss the development and use of IRISConnect with a variety of schools, including ourselves and Brighton Grammar School, as well as universities and education consultancy companies.
Elisabeth Murdoch College has used IRISConnect video technology since 2022 and, during that time, Christophe has supported our use of the product in enhancing the professional learning of teachers through observation, self-reflection, and coaching. Having seen the growth and use of IRISConnect at our college, Christophe Mullings aske the college if we would be interested in hosting a demonstration session for colleagues from other schools. The session included an explanation of the research that supports the use of the technology to improve the learning of teachers, as well as a demonstration of the technology.
Colleagues from primary and secondary schools who had an interest in using the technology attended and there was a lot of enthusiasm for joining Elisabeth Murdoch in using IRISConnect to enhance teaching and learning. Further to this and later in 2024, the college has been invited to contribute their approach to supporting the professional development of teachers, including use of IRISConnect, at an education conference in Melbourne hosted by prominent educational thinkers Simon Breakspear and Tom Sherrington.