
Term 4 Humanities Report 2023
This term in Humanities Years 7-9 have been learning about all things Geography with a focus on wetlands, coastal landscapes and tourism. Students have explored the natural landforms in our local community and region, the impact they have on us, and how we can ensure that these places are sustainable for the future.
This term in Year 10 Business and Economics students have assessed Australia’s role in international interactions by investigating the role Australia plays as a trading nation within Asia and in the global economy. In Legal Studies students have explored Australia’s roles and responsibilities at a global level including the provision of foreign aid and peacekeeping. In History, students have examined the civil rights movement in Australia and the United States, exploring the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for rights and freedoms and the significance of key events and individuals in Australian society.
Congratulations to the Year 11 and 12 VCE Humanities students across Legal Studies, Business Management, Economics and History who have worked so hard all year. We wish them great success for the Future!
Wishing all students a wonderful summer break and New year, and ready to return to learn about our fascinating world through Civics, History, Economics and Geography in Humanities 2024.
Year 7 Humanities Reflections
“As a one-year-old Lyndalian, I never expected Humanities to be enjoyable! Humanities in Year 7 was awesome as we covered over crucial topics required for life such as Economics and Civics. In my opinion, Economics was my favourite because we learnt to analyse data and did lots of monopoly money activities. My favourite activity, however, was Circle Time, where the entire grade would spend time discussing social and cultural topics of the world.”
Arhitha Manoharan 7A
“The things I most enjoyed about Humanities was Circle Time, the Awards and Games”
Lahaina Taputoa 7A
“I really enjoyed doing the field sketches in Geography Term 4”
Sophie Fitzgerald 7A
“My favourite activities included ‘creating a clothing brand’- in Economics Term 3 and making Posters on Wetlands and the Environment- in Geography Term 4- Omid Khoda Bakhsh 7A
Jessica McKean
Humanities Subject Area Leader