Junior School End of Year Activities

Year 9 Gumbuya World Excursion
On Tuesday the 5th of December 85 students from year 9 had the privilege of going to Gumbuya world. From these 2 pictures you can see me and Jad just got out of the water slides and decided to take a picture. We were very thankful for this fun day we got to enjoy with our peers and without a doubt will never forget about this day.
Levi Martin & Jad El Masri 9E
Year 8 Gravity Zone Excursion
Last Friday, Year 8's celebrated the end of another successful year with a trip to Gravity Zone. They had a great afternoon trampolining and playing laser tag, with teachers joining in the fun too!
Year 7 Bounce Excursion
This action-packed excursion was an incredible opportunity to have unforgettable fun, bond with friends, and release some energy. Our students grabbed this opportunity to bounce, flip, and challenge themselves in ways they've never done before!
100% Attendance Excursion
Students with 100% attendance were treated to an excursion to Timezone! Maintaining an exceptional attendance record is essential for learning success.
Celebration Assemblies
Our end of semester celebration assemblies have once again taken place and we were proud to hand out certificates for Academic Excellence, Excellence in Performance and Attitude, and 100% Attendance.