Junior School Assistant Principal Report

As I reflect on the last Semester of learning in the Junior School, I am full of pride on what the students have been able to achieve both within and outside of the classroom. It has been fantastic to conduct my daily learning walks and see our students so immersed in their learning, whilst demonstrating the College values of respect, responsibility and resilience when working or communicating with one another. As a result, I’m sure a vast majority of families will get to open their child’s reports to see significant growth in their learning throughout the Semester.
Students learn best in a classroom environment that is calm, has predictable routines and where work is accessible for students. As part of continuing to build a positive culture in our school, in 2024 we will be working as a whole school to embed some key practices into our classroom systems. From the start of year, all classes will line up outside the classroom prior to class starting. Teachers will meet students at the door, teach the expectations for the lesson and instruct the students on how they can start their learning as soon as they enter the room.
Behaviour Expectations from our behaviour matrix will be explicitly taught and modelled to all students in classes, providing greater support for students to understand what is expected of them in regards to their behaviour while attending school. We will also be building the exit routines in all classes to help evaluate the learning at the end of the lesson and provide calm exit into the yard for breaks.
Whilst it’s always rewarding to see our students engaging in their learning and experiencing success, you will see throughout this newsletter that our junior students have also participated in a wide range of extra-curricular activities throughout the Semester, that our College has to offer. Our students have represented the College passionately in the arts, music, debating and sporting programs with fantastic results, as well as had the opportunity to engage in their learning within the community (and at times far beyond) during excursions. This included a week of City Experience at Year 9, as well as an incursion for Year 7 and 8 from brainstorm productions to further educate our students on cybersafety and resilience. Key learnings from these events have enabled students to further develop their communication and problem-solving skills when navigating in environments outside of the classroom.
Lyndale sees great value in the extra curricular activities as it gives students a platform to not only enhance their understanding on learning units, but also for students to demonstrate their skills and talents outside of the classroom. We hope that students continue to invest their time and skills sets engaging in these programs going into 2024.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all our Year 9 students the very best with moving into the Senior School for 2024. I’m sure I speak on behalf of many in staff and families in the Lyndale community when I say how pleasing it is to see your growth the past 3 years not only as learners, but as respectful young people within our community. Whilst it is always pleasing to see strong academic results in the classroom, what impressed me most walking around Gumbuya World at your end of year celebration, was the way you interact, respect and support one another as a whole year level, which has looked to create a special bond. No doubt the strong values and work ethic you have developed will hold you in good stead in taking on new challenges as you move into the senior school.
Well done to our Junior School captains Ruby, Liz, Lauryn and Santhya. You have upheld the College values to a very high standard when representing our Junior School and have been positive role models at all times for your peers. Thank you for the work you have done to support student voice and agency throughout the year.
I trust that the upcoming holiday period will provide all students with many moments to make positive memories with family and friends. Enjoy the break, stay safe and we look forward to all our students continuing to reach great heights in 2024 at Lyndale Secondary College.
Luke Wilson
Junior School Assistant Principal