Senior School Assistant Principal Report

As we approach the end of Term Four, it is time to reflect on the events that made it seem as if it passed on a blink of eye. Students and teachers, and I am sure parents and carers also, have had a busy schedule with activities that required determination and focus. Students endured assessment times, such as end-of-year exams, and other requirements which are part and parcel of the celebration of completing a secondary education. I am proud of our students’ achievements and grateful to all parents/carers for their support.
This term I chose my professional reading on the benefits of GRIT. I witnessed grit exercised by our students. I am sure you witnessed the same at home. It is this grit that will support our students to succeed in life. Carol Dweck, the author of Growth Mindset, believes that IQ is not a reliable measure for school success; the character strength of ‘grit’ is more important for a successful and meaningful life. Grit is the ability to apply oneself on a task until the job is done. There are many examples in our immediate and broader community of successful people whose academic or broader achievements were a result of grit. We need to ensure that our children have the opportunities to develop passions, whether it be dancing, playing a sport, learning an instrument or developing an academic talent. Passion, I believe develops ‘grit’. Another success measure is the ability to keep on task for a period of time, without distractions. Research tells us that Year Seven students should be able to keep on task for 60 minutes; for each additional year, it increases by 10 minutes. It is of measurable benefit to encourage students to stay focused for a period of time on meaningful tasks that require cognitive engagement.
2024 School captain Elections
During Term 4 we selected our 2024 school captains. Students were taken through a stringent process where they applied, took part in team building skills, presented a speech to the senior school students and undertook an interview. We are confident that the students selected are great role models for Lyndale SC, having consistently demonstrated, throughout their time at Lyndale, their ability to uphold our school values of Respect, Resilience & Responsibility.
Congratulations 2024 School Captains:
Year 10 Work experience
During the school holidays we had 4 students from Lyndale Secondary College undertake a work experience program in Melbourne, at the nbn office. The work experience program was an absolute success. Here are a few highlights:
- First day was about nbn (what they do) and getting to know their supervisors and grad buddies.
- Day 2 at the Nunawading nbn site, where students learnt about nbn network and worked on fibre splicing (hands on)
- Day 3 was focus on cyber security technology.
- Day 4 – Generative AI/ML and showcasing the usage of AI and live demonstration through a printed mug at the session (they loved this)
- They also got to know about the career pathways in Technology from fresh grads of nbn
- Nathan (who also runs toastmasters at nbn) coached them each day for 30 minutes, on presentation skills.
- This has built students’ confidence. We could see this on the last day when they gave a short presentation about their 5-day experience
Congratulations to Qadees Zahra for beginning her Dental Assistant traineeship with Berwick High Street Dental. Qadees began her journey while undertaking her VCE VM certificate giving herself a HeadStart into her chosen pathway. Congratulations Qadees.
For information on School Based Apprenticeships that can be undertaken while completing school, please contact Mandy Stevens, in the career’s office.
Champions Industry Lunch
On Wednesday 18th OCT, Sarina Yim was one of 4 young women invited to attend the Champion Victorian Industry lunch with their employer Laing O’Rourke (Big Build). The event took place at The Glasshouse Olympic Park and celebrated the outstanding achievements of Victorian businesses and employers that support workplace learning for school students, by taking HEADSTART trainees and apprentices.
Life Choices – Year 10 Incursion
On Wednesday 13th September, Andrew Fisher presented to all year 10 students. Andrew Fisher is a racing car driver, and much more.
Even though Andrew had reached the pinnacle of his profession, it became clear to him that what he saw and experienced from this extraordinary height, was not fulfilling him personally, and he needed a new challenge. Andrew began looking for a way to channel his experiences in life to help others and give back to the community. Out of this desire to help, the Life Choices Program was born.
Andrew spoke from the heart about issues that are real to young people today, including addiction, social media, relationships, road safety, values, and beliefs. He also shared his personal story, about his daughter, Lily, who was born with half a heart (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). The openness Andrew displayed, sharing the hard decisions that he and his wife Annie had to make, created an amazingly honest connection with our students. Andrew linked his experience and those tough decisions back to the “courageous decisions” that all students will need to make in their lifetime. He connected to our students with humour and relevant stories from his own experiences. Andrew brought in one of his race cars for students to view at the conclusion of the session.
Year 10 Careers Breakfast
On Wednesday 18th October a group of year 10 students attended the Year 10 Careers Breakfast hosted by the City of Greater Dandenong Youth & Families Services. This was an exciting opportunity for our Year 10 students to learn about the breadth of career pathways that exist within a local government setting.
Students had the opportunity to meet and network with a wide range of inspiring professionals employed at the City of Greater Dandenong, and heard presentations from young, local government professionals. Students participated in small group discussions and a Q&A panel, as well as received information on entry points into working with local government.
Council Employees from a diverse range of council departments were represented at this event, including:
- Arts and Culture
- Conservation and Environment
- Community Services, including working with infants, children, youth and family, aged care and disability
- Customer Service
- Engineering & Transport
- Festivals & Events
- Horticulture
- Human Resources
- Local Laws
- Libraries
- Media & Communications
- Sports and Recreation
A wonderful event for our students to chat with students from other local schools and network with members of the community.
End of year program – 2024 Year 11 & 12 students
Congratulations to all students on your wonderful efforts and participation in the end of year programs. The response from teachers regarding student engagement and enthusiasm in looking forward to 2024 classes, was exciting, and we are keen to watch the success of all our students moving forward. Students displayed a great attitude and commitment to the program, demonstrating the school values of Respect, Resilience & Responsibility.
A motivational, inspiring week for students to take away some important learnings, prior to the holidays. Students undertook sessions in each of their 2024 subjects, completed some fun and engaging activities, including basketball shoot outs, Minute to Win It games, and Trivia. Students were also entertained by some wonderful guest speakers.
Frida Umuhoza
Our year 11 & 12 students had the privileged of hearing Frida Umuhoza’s story. Frida survived the genocide against the Tutsis of Rwanda, a terrible holocaust that must never be forgotten. She inspired students through listening to her story of survival in the most terrible circumstances imaginable; a story that demonstrated the strength of the human spirit to transcend virtually anything.
Students asked Frida some insightful and respectful questions at the conclusion of the speech, which was a true reflection on the respect that was shown from our students.
Arthur Bolkas
Our year 12 students listened to Arthur’s story. He was raised on welfare in a Greek migrant family, Arthur was school captain and dux of his final year. However, in the fourth year of an Arts/Law degree, his life descended into drug addiction and imprisonment.
Arthur has been a cabbie, facilitated men’s groups, worked with at-risk youth and prisoners, run a church, and featured in the general media. A criminologist, speaker, actor, and father of two sons, he currently has three books on the go. Especially through the difficult times, writing has been a life-giving source for Arthur.
We appreciate families supporting their senior students in ensuring that upon return to school in 2024, students are prepared with textbooks and stationery. Students must be in full school uniform upon their return to school. We ask that families understand that students who do not comply with the school uniform policy, will be individually spoken to and meetings will be held to ensure all students are being respectful of the school’s policies. Information regarding booklists and uniform can be found on compass and our school website.
Finally we wish all our families a lovely holiday period and a happy new year.
Diana Kennedy
Assistant Principal Senior School