
2023 Interschool Sports Concluded
2023 interschool sports have now concluded. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the staff that went out for sport with our students, who coached sport lunch time and afterschool training sessions. Thank you so much for your time and energy with taking out our students. Without your help, this wouldn’t be possible.
We had a lot of success this year with sports, some highlights were:
- Year 8 Girls Basketball team made it to Regionals.
- Year 8 Boys Hockey team go out for sport at Regionals- the first time in more than 5 years with having a team.
- Year 9 Boys Futsal team won Division round dominating against Dandy High (last year’s champions)- No regionals for Futsal.
- Senior Girls Tennis team made it to Regionals.
That’s a wrap. Thanks again to all staff, you are amazing!
Just as we finish up this year, the new year for sport is around the corner. I will be posting up expressions of interest in the coming weeks for Term 1 2024 Intersport which will start in week 4 of term 1. Summer sports will be Cricket, Softball, Volleyball and Tennis!
Stay tuned for more…
Jane Engellenner
Sports Coordinator