Performing Arts

Music in 2023
As a musical student, I can say that this year has been one of the best years in my entire school life. As I haven't exactly shown interest in music before, coming to Lyndale Secondary and their music programs brought motivation in my life! It all started when Miss Van Oosten and Miss Edwards presented the Clarinet to me... From that day onwards, I found my spark for music! Because of this, I got to enjoy great memories with the music team and go on excursions others weren't eligible for like Singfest, the Victorian Bands Festival and Music Camp! (My personal favourite) was the Showcase Concert just recently on November 30th, the biggest highlight of my musical adventure! I was a compere who was Princess Rey, and I kept mucking up my lines, but desperate times call for desperate rescues! I kept improvising and we all succeeded! One of my favourite parts of that was the food! The Music Camp was exceptional with intense rehearsals which paid off! We watched movies and I came 3rd in the Talent competition! What I am most thankful for is the teachers and community that enabled me to embark on my first but not last musical adventure!
Arhitha Manoharan 7A