Literacy News

It has been a busy week in Prep/1W, the Preps explored the sound /m/ as in monkey and the sound /s/ as in snake. They began by exploring their class Sound Box. This routine is used to introduce the new letter to students. It’s interactive and involves real tactile objects that begin with that letter. This routine also gives students the opportunity to develop their oral language and build vocabulary. In their sound box this week they found objects beginning with the sound /m/ such as Mario, milk, monkey and later in the week the sound /s/ such as spider, sunscreen and stamp. 




























Grade One students were able to use their sound box to explore objects that had /a/ sound represented by the letters ai or ay in words such as train and tray































Next week Prep students will be focusing on the sound /f/ as in frog and /a/ as in alligator. The Grade one students will be focusing on the sound /e/ represented by the letters ee and ea which can be found in words such as tree, bee and beach, leaf. 



Taya Eddy 

Literacy Leader