Grade 1
In the past fortnight, students have continued revising their knowledge of the split strategy used in subtraction. Students have also delved into subtraction sums and the different ways to solve them. We've been using a variety of hands-on methods to help students grasp this essential concept. Through the use of manipulatives like counters and number lines, students are visually and physically breaking down numbers, making subtraction more tangible and engaging.
This fortnight students have been learning about places and what can make them special to them. We have been using a map of the school to identify a special place at school and then students having been coming up with other special places for them in the community.
Respectful Relationships
Students have been learning about different emotions and how they can affect their bodies. The most recent one we have been learning about is stress and how it can make our bodies feel or react. Students have been brainstorming ways to help deal with stress such as mindfulness practices and talking to others about how they are feeling.
Over the past week, we have introduced two new graphemes ‘au’ and ‘aw’. Students have also revised their knowledge of bossy ‘e’ words, and added suffixes to alter the meaning of the base word. This fortnight in Storybook, we have read the text ‘Now We Are Six’ and delved into the meaning of the words such as certain and forgive. Students have also been exposed to two poems linked to this book and learning about poetic features such as rhyme, repetition and rhythm. Afterwards they used this knowledge to start creating their own poems. In writing, students have been practising their sentence bound punctuation and identifying the use of verbs and nouns to bring a sentence to life.