From Tim Campbell
Deputy Principal - Student Learning and Professional Practice
From Tim Campbell
Deputy Principal - Student Learning and Professional Practice
Subject Teacher Conversations
Thank you to those families that recently attended our Subject Teacher Conversations on Monday 26 August. The Subject Teacher Conversations are an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and progress so that we can continue that long lasting relationship to ensure your child’s success.
In order to better our processes and practices, could you please take two minutes to provide us with some feedback so we can continue to improve this important event.
Click here to provide feedback.
ICAS Assessments
ICAS assessments are now complete for 2024. Congratulations to all those students who participated. Feedback and results will be made available on the ICAS website in the coming weeks, with certificates to be presented at the end of year awards celebration.
Last week Jay Sutton and myself attended Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd’s launch of their new Learning and Teaching framework, 'Magnify'. The framework, alongside CES Ltd’s strategic plan will bring expertise and knowledge to CES Ltd schools with a promise of school improvement and student results. Further information will be made in coming weeks as to what this means for St Augustine’s College into 2025 and beyond.
Tim Campbell
Deputy Principal
Student Learning & Professional Practice