Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly, on Friday the 23rd of August at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB).
FSI - Edward B - For his bravery and resilience.
FSI - Lenny H - for her fabulous writing.
1/2TT - Daisy R - For terrific reading with Mrs McLeod.
1/2TT - Ned S - for great contributions to discussions.
1/2TT - Jasper K - for being an engaged and motivated learner.
1/2VW - Micah E - for excellent effort in maths.
1/2VW - Scout C - for great work in writing.
3/4HC - Xavier W - For his outstanding research on his 'Olympic Sports' project. Well done Xavier!
5/6GP - Ruby W - For contributing thoughtfully to class discussions.
5/6GP – Isaac C - for always taking initiative to find solutions in his learning.
Sports Award - Ivy D - for having a go at High jump at the District athletics.
Sports Award - All the students whowent to district athletic - for outstanding participation, sportsmanship and behaviour.
Got Ya's:
Penny S – Mitchell – for picking up rubbish
Genie F – Mitchell – for being ready for learning
Will D – Mitchell – for being a responsible class member
Frida B – Hume – for being responsible.