Year 6 News

Term 3 Year 6 Newsletter
Chemical Science Incursion → Elita Favara
On the 1st of August, each of the Year 6 classes had a chemical science incursion in the hall. Our instructor was a very nice guy called James. We went through the 3 different states of matter; liquid, solid and gas. We did 4 different experiments, most of them included dry ice and hot water. We learnt about H2O, Carbon Dioxide and how oxygen can do different things when put into fire. One of the experiments was to identify what was a liquid, solid or gas. My group got it wrong, due to the barbeque sauce being a liquid as it looked hard in the tube. They were placed into tubes and we mostly knew which was which. The second experiment was, we put hot water in a big jar and dry ice. We poured the hot water into the jar and the ice was bubbling and it created smoke. The smoke came out from the top and it was very cool to see. The third experiment we did was another experiment with dry ice. We put a candle inside a small jug and poured dish detergent and baking soda. We also put hot water around the candle. The bubbles came up to the top and fell onto the ground. The last experiment we did was an experiment with fire, baking soda and white vinegar. We got a candle and lit it up so it made fire. We added the baking soda and then the white vinegar. The fire went out instantly and it was so cool to see the fire die with different chemicals. After all the experiments, we were all amazed at what dry ice can do with different materials. James was such a good teacher and we had the best time.
Leadership Day → Sahara Leau
On the third of August all Year six leaders got to travel by bus to Saint Louis De Montfort for a day to learn with different schools to experience how other schools operate in their leadership. We got sorted into groups and had to figure out who the characters were. It was easy at some points, but at others we couldn’t even guess. It was a bit challenging to socialise with other schools because we only felt comfortable with our own school. Some kids were fine finding groups, but others struggled. We ended up making a ton of friends and got along well together. After that the instructor, Tanya, told us to get into groups. She said there needed to be a principal, vice principal, teachers, hall monitors and a secretary. The game was about listening and teamwork. There was a lego build that Tanya would change every round, but only the principal could go and look at the build. The teachers had to guess, but only the vice principal could communicate with the teachers. The secretary couldn’t talk at all, but only wrote notes based on the principal's notes. It was challenging and hard to communicate with the hall monitor spectating us with every move. Tanya said our next meeting is in Term 4 with exciting events.
Confirmation Retreat Day & Meeting our Bishop → (Jacob M and Holly)
On the 13th of August, all Year 6 students who were participating in the sacrament of Confirmation gathered together for Retreat day in the little chapel. We learnt about many topics of Confirmation, like the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Firstly, we started off by getting to know each other, as there were many kids from St. Anthony’s and other schools. A couple of days earlier, we met Bishop Tony and he explained what he’d be doing during our Confirmation and asked us individually about our saint. Secondly, we then did some tasks about the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We did some word searches and created our own fill-in sentences for each other to complete, which contained a word that had to do with Confirmation. For example, one of the sentences was ‘The priest wears a _____ at church’, and obviously the word was a stole. Once we finished, we gathered in a circle on a table in separate groups. We discussed who our saints were, what they did and why we chose them. There were many saints who were quite popular, but there were also some that were new to us. Once we’d shared our saints, we did some work that would end up on the walls in church when we were doing our Confirmation for the parishioners to view on the day. We then made a badge with a prayer on the top half and some pictures that represented Confirmation on the bottom. We also created a nameplate with our neatest handwriting. We decorated it with images, like doves and fire. In the afternoon, we practised what we’d need to do with our sponsor on the day. Father Brian came and explained the process and also what Bishop Tony would be saying. Overall, Retreat day was a good time to reflect and prepare for Confirmation.
On Sunday the 18th, some of us made our Confirmation. Here are some of the saints we chose and why:
I chose my saint, Saint Paul the Apostle, because he is a great role model. He showed Counsel because he always made the right decisions rather than the wrong ones and Knowledge because he always knew the right thing to do → Caleb De Silva
My saint is Saint Sebastian who is the patron saint of athletes. I chose him because of his hard work and dedication. One gift I think he displayed is Fortitude because he was always willing to take risks for his faith → Izak Kukla
My saint is Saint John the Apostle who is the patron saint of love, loyalty and authors. I chose him because my brother, dad and my grandpa all chose the same saint. Saint John showed kindness because he always helped people in need → Jacob Dudman-Doyle
I chose to have Saint Christina the Astonishing as my saint because she always trusted in God. She is the patron saint of millers and mental health workers. I think Saint Christina showed Fear of the Lord because she always trusted in God and prayed to him during hard times → Mahala Wicks
Swimming Carnival → Ivy Dang & Louis Truong
On the 6th of August, the year 3’s to 6’s attended the 2024 swimming carnival, which was held at the Aquastar Swim School at Haileybury College. If you didn’t know, this was the year 3’s first ever swimming carnival and also the year 6’s last ever swimming carnival here in Resurrection Primary School. When we arrived at the aquatic centre, everyone walked up the stairs in the swim centre then, all of us separated going into our coloured houses which are, Mannix, Mackillop, Goold and Chisholm. After some time, the year 6 girls started getting ready since it was nearly their freestyle race that was beginning in a few minutes. In the following minutes all the year 6 girls lined up in their house colours on the pool deck, waiting to begin the first race of the day. Finally the race started, in lane 1 stood Mackillop, lane 2 Mannix, lane 3 Chisolm and then lastly Goold waiting in lane 4. Everyone was cheering for their house colour to win, the room was extremely loud! In first place was Goold, second was Chisolm, third was Mackillop and unfortunately Mannix was last.
The Resilience Project → Geelong Dang & Oscar Westcott
The Year 6s’ are all doing the Resilience project that helps teach students to be grateful for everything they have and to be mindful of others and how they’re feeling. We want them to be happy with what they have and not demand stuff from their parents, because some kids barely have anything. We do T.R.P once a week on a Friday after lunch to finish the week. The students find it fun because it helps them learn about their strengths and weaknesses that they need to work and overcome their fears or grow on strengths. Everyone has recently been learning about Strengths and weaknesses of others and how to identify them. We are currently working on things that famous people overcame, for example Cristiano Ronaldo, a famous soccer player had a heart disease at 16 and he overcame that and became the best in the world. Also, Michael Jordan said he would always try and never stop until he was the best in the world. Learning about these things shows us what you believe you can achieve. We are doing all these things to be GEMS. Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. We all love this task and it includes good new skills we can learn together as year 6s’.