Physical Education

Upper school
This term children in years 3-6 have been learning about and practicing Athletics events. They have learnt how to throw the Shot and Discus, jump far in the Long and Triple Jump and run fast in a variety of running events such as 800m, 100m, Hurdles and Relay.
Lower school
This term children in Prep - Year 2 have been learning the Fundamental Movement Skills associated with a bat and ball. Developing their hand-eye coordination through hitting a ball with a modified tennis racket and playing fun games such as Noodle Hockey and Down ball or 2/4 Square.
AFL Gala Day
Students in Year 5 had the opportunity to participate in the St Kilda AFL Gala Day last week. We had a girls team and boys team competition. They all played really well and had fun in the games. There was also a longest kick competition where Daniella came second for the girls and Hill came first for the boys.