Sustainability @ TPPS

Last Assembly, all our new Sustainability Representatives were awarded with their badges at Assembly, and here is a photo of our Grade 1 and 2 reps with the Sustainability Captains. We’re so proud of them!
Grade 1s read the Indigenous Dreaming Story of Tiddalik the Frog who was very greedy and drank up all the water in the whole world. They made a beautiful display about “only taking what we need”. We also planted some surprise flowers in the playground for the Preps.
Grade 3s have been watering, mulching and weeding the garden. What a big job!
Our school was kindly given 50 local native plants for our garden, so the Grade 4s and 5s spent two sessions planting and watering them in. We have to make sure they stay watered until they are big and strong.
In other Grade 4 news, our Lion's Mane mushroom has grown so much! What a whopper!
It is wonderful seeing so many enthusiastic students who are willing to help in the garden before school and during playtime! Thank you so much to these green fingered kids!
We are loving our gorgeous hens! They are very sociable, and even Ginger is not being so shy lately. “Adventure” is their middle name, and we often get reports of there being a chicken on the loose outside the garden. However, as you can see by the expression on Henny Penny’s face, being told off doesn’t make much of an impression.
3S grew some delicious and healthy sprouts for the hens which were gobbled down very quickly!
And in fashion news, we have acquired two egg aprons for collecting the many freshly laid eggs in the nesting boxes. The hot tip is to remember not to bend over to pat the hens after you collect the eggs!