Principal's Item
Message from the Principal
Principal's Item
Message from the Principal
Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,
Whilst everyone is appreciative of some warmer weather over the last week, it has come with its challenges, namely flooding, thunderstorm asthma and the strong winds. I hope that all our EEPS families have not been affected by these events.
Student Achievement
Well done to Carolyn L from Year 2, for winning the state dance competition in her level over the weekend. She will be off to the National Dance Championships in January on the Gold Coast. What a great achievement!
Ramp Update
The remaining rails are slowly coming together for the ramps. The ramp near the portables is the last to be completed, which is still some weeks away. Thank you to everyone for your patience as we still await the final completion. Next week, on Wednesday, the chain bollard style fence around the middle tree will be replaced, as will the older style chainmesh fencing running along the top of the Netball courts. These are two of the many follow-up tasks after the bulk of the new ramps are completed.
Book Week
EEPS had a really fantastic day last Thursday for Book Week dress up day. Thank you for the support that the EEPS families gave to the day. It is nice to have feedback from a variety of sources. Recently I received this from Mrs Casale:
I was able to debrief with Early Years students yesterday during Library lessons and generally chatting with older students the consensus is ‘Book Week Dress Up Day’ was a huge success. I also received positive feedback from all staff. I’d appreciate you thanking all the staff on my behalf during Tuesday’s briefing. Without their support and willingness to participate EEPS would not be the ‘MAGICAL” place it is. Thank you once again for approving and funding everything and giving me this opportunity. It’s so rewarding fostering a love of literature, nurturing students’ love for learning and watching their skills in different areas develop consistently every day.
It reminds me that there is no ‘I’ in TEAM.
Lollies Before School
Lately, there has been an increase in students who are coming to school with bags or boxes of lollies and both eating them and sharing with friends.
Clearly from a number of angles, topmost of which is nutritional, this is not a good practice. We can talk to students and educate them about the importance of a healthy, nutritious breakfast to start the day. May I please, also ask for strong parent and carer support with this issue. Helping to prepare students for a successful day of learning is a critical and important role that you play. Young bodies and minds depend on getting the right fuel for success.
Concert - ‘Heroes’
Well, by this time next week we will have performed our long-awaited concert, but there is a lot to get through in the meantime! On Monday, after assembly we completed our second, whole school rehearsal of our finale song, ‘One Call Away’. Next Monday we will not have our normal assembly but instead use the day for an entire whole school run through with costumes. On Tuesday, we will rehearse during the day at Robert Blackwood Hall and then be ready for the big night! Please look out for more specific details elsewhere in the Newsletter and direct Newsfeeds. We have been very pleased that families, who have required more tickets, have been able to purchase them as we have opened up the Box Office - thank you for your patience and understanding.
Father’s Day and Special Person’s Day
This Sunday, 1st September is Father’s Day. The school hopes that both all our dad’s and grandpa’s have a special day with their families. However, we always extend this warmth, happiness and joy to all our families, regardless of family structures. So, I hope that the love and family bonds are particularly celebrated on Sunday and that either dad’s or special person’s in the children’s lives enjoy the artwork.
Curriculum Day
I know that concert is uppermost in everyone’s minds but looking beyond that, please remember that next Wednesday, the day immediately after concert, is a Curriculum Day. OSHC will be running a care program for the day. Please make contact with Jess or Kathryn if you would require this.
I look forward to celebrating the performance arts with you all next Tuesday evening - let the magic begin!
Have a great week of ‘Learning and Growing Together’.