Administration Updates

Payments And Permissions Now Due
Year 5 'Day of Discovery' at Scoresby SC (17th September 2024)
All Year 5 students
Permission due: 16/9/24
Knox Division Athletics (18th September 2024)
Qualified Year 3-6 students
Permission due: 17/9/24
Moving into the Teen Years Program (7th, 14th & 21st October 2024)
All Year 5/6 students
Payment & Permission due: 18/9/24
Camp Oasis (21st October - 23rd October 2024)
All Year 3/4 students
Balance of payment due: 4/10/24
2024 School Levies
All families
NOW OVERDUE (Due: 23/02/24 unless payment plan put in place with office)
Financial Assistance With School Uniform
We can assist families experiencing financial hardship to access financial support for school uniforms through State Schools' Relief.
The State Schools' Relief program provides support with uniforms and other essential school items for families that need an extra helping hand and ensures that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can attend school feeling valued and included.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to apply for State Schools' Relief support, please contact the school for a confidential discussion with Tina Clark (Business Manager).
Parent Payments
The School Levies payment enables us to continue to offer programs across the school to enhance the learning of all students. It also covers all the students' stationery, Art, Performing Arts and LOTE supplies for the year, as well as enabling us to be able to provide and upkeep our iPads and laptops across the school.
Parent payments are posted on Compass and can be paid through the Compass portal or, alternatively, through the school bank account, BPAY or by coming into the office and paying via cash or EFT. If you are having financial difficulties in making this payment, please speak to Sue Hartley or Tina Clark in the office.
Just a reminder...if your child is absent from school for any reason, please update Compass or call the school attendance line to advise. If we have not heard from you by 9.30am, we will attempt to contact you by phone. If no answer, then this will be followed up with an email.
It is the Department's policy that all absences are explained. If your child is marked absent for 3 days or more unexplained, this information is forwarded to the Department of Education Regional Office for follow-up.
Administration Staff