Scoresby Superstar Awards

Presented 6/9/24

Harry M. - 00M

This award goes to Harry for the wonderful improvement he is making with his writing. Harry is trying very hard to write his letters correctly and have them sit on the line. Well done Harry!

Kaiden B. - 1/2F

This award goes to Kaiden for his wonderful efforts in writing throughout our Poetry unit. He has written a great verse for our group poem about a soccer player doing a slide tackle in the Olympics! Keep up the wonderful writing, Kaiden.

Liam I. - 1/2K

This award goes to Liam for the fantastic writing he did this week. Liam wrote a narrative about a haunted house. He included a beginning, middle and end in his story. He listened carefully for the sounds in words he was trying to spell. Great work Liam.

Jhett M. - 3/4F

This award goes to Jhett for showing persistence in Rainbow Maths. He has worked hard to practise the skills of subtraction and halving, and all his hard work paid off this week when he moved up a level. Keep up the great work, Jhett!

Paravvir S. - 3/4H

This award goes to Paravvir for his amazing focus and dedication to completing his work this week.  Paravvir has demonstrated the HEART value of Excellence by showing a strong eagerness to acquire new strategies and accept new challenges.  Paravvir, your enthusiasm and dedication to your learning is commendable! Keep up the excellent work!

Herman Y. - 3/4S

This award goes to Herman for the improvement he made during the Fractions and Decimals unit this term. Herman demonstrated his knowledge of fractions and was able to show halves, quarters and thirds on a number line. Well done Herman.

Eliza M. - 5/6H

This award goes to Eliza for your outstanding effort during Write2Read lessons. You've consistently demonstrated the HEART value of Excellence by eagerly sharing your ideas and bravely tackling challenging words. It's been amazing to see you push yourself and make huge progress with your understanding of marking your spelling words. I’m very proud of all that you’ve achieved so far this year! Well done, Eliza!

Kabir N. - 5/6S

This award is presented to Kabir for his outstanding work as a Digital Technologies leader. Kabir has been incredibly helpful, assisting others in the classroom with all things IT, and he has successfully managed the equipment during assemblies. Great work, Kabir — you have been a tremendous help!

Shianne Z. - 5/6W

This award goes to Shianne for her exceptional work on her persuasive writing piece about ‘Why women should have equal rights.’ Shianne refined her ideas and incorporated a range of persuasive devices. Fantastic job, Shianne! Keep up the great work!

Naira S. - Mandarin

This award goes to Naira for always being an active learner in Mandarin class. Naira demonstrates strong motivation to learn and consistently participates proactively in all activities. Her efforts are commendable! Well done, Naira!

Shianne Z. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Shianne. You did very well to learn the chords for The Cup Song, and performed with confidence at our school production. Well done.