Scoresby Superstar Awards

Presented 30/8/24

The Whole Grade - 00M

This award goes to the whole of Foundation M for their wonderful performance in the school production Mr Blue Sky. Everyone remembered their dance moves and held their umbrellas correctly. Well done Foundation M!

Ella G. - 1/2F

This award goes to Ella for her wonderful senses poem about the Olympic opening ceremony. You also danced like a superstar at our production last night. Well done Ella!

Delsa V.  - 1/2K

For demonstrating resilience during our whole school production. Even though she found it daunting to perform during our class performance, she was able to get back out on stage for our instrumental piece and finale. We are so proud of you Delsa!

Hayden A. - 3/4F

This award goes to Hayden for displaying the HEART value of Excellence this week. He has worked hard to learn our class dance and engaged enthusiastically during rehearsals. Great work, Hayden!

Taoipu A. - 3/4H

This award goes to Taoipu for displaying the HEART value of Excellence.  Taoipu has demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm and determination in learning his dance for production.  Congratulations Taoipu!

Oscar O. - 3/4S

This award goes to Oscar for the enthusiasm he has shown when practising and performing our class dance for the school production. Oscar, it has been wonderful to see you enjoying yourself on stage.

Sam B. - 5/6H

This award goes to Sam for always demonstrating respect towards peers and teachers, and his valuable contributions in class. You have shown the Respect HEART value by consistently being kind and supportive of your peers. It is wonderful when you share your value ideas during class time, showing that you are an active learner. Incredible efforts, Sam!

Harmony C. - 5/6S

This award is presented to Harmony for her effort during production rehearsals. Harmony consistently participated with enthusiasm, bringing energy and determination to every practice session. Congratulations Harmony!

Ivan R. - 5/6W

This award goes to Ivan for his outstanding effort and enthusiasm in preparing and practising for our production. Ivan consistently set an excellent example for his classmates and always brought his big smile to each practice session. Ivan, thank you for being a wonderful addition to 5/6W.

Amir S. - Mandarin

This award goes to Amir for consistently demonstrating excellence and effort across all activities in Chinese class. Amir is an active and fast learner who is able to concentrate on his learning and follows all instructions carefully. Well done, Amir, and keep up the great work!