Star Student Awards

Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 7 and Week 8 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Alex Waters for making good choices and sitting nicely on the floor. 

Well done Alex! 

Wyatt Makar for making good choices and sitting nicely on the floor. 

Well done Wyatt!

Mrs Wardle:

Garla Elsley for always entering the classroom with a smile. 

Well done, Garla!

Abigail Harris for her wonderful reading this week. 

Keep up the wonderful work Abby! 

Mrs Weber:

Mehtab Lally for being a great sport and encouraging others during team games outside.

Christian Caltieri for being really focussed during learning time and 

always trying his best.

Mr Maskell:

Harshan Aulakh for working really hard and trying his best in learning tasks. 

Well done Harshan!

Ella Di Clemente for always putting in her best effort to all learning tasks and taking pride in her work. Well done Ella.

Mrs Nicholson:

Mason Collie for working hard with his writing and for always 

trying his best in all areas of his learning.  

Well done Mason!

Archer Bice for always trying his best in all areas and for producing 

excellent pieces of writing.  

Keep up the great work Archer!

Mrs Drummond:

Charlotte Corbo for working extra hard on all her work tasks and for always completing her work tasks to a high standard. 

William Lancaster for working extra hard on his reading. 

Well done William. 

Mr Andronaco:

Elizabeth Cannon for always completing her work to a high standard and

doing a great job in her reading. 

Mehran Ahmadi for achieving his best in his rocket writing and reading.

Great work!

Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Ben Cannon for your clear and concise persuasive you wrote this term. 

Maybe students should be able to choose their own subjects! Very convincing!

Keep up the fantastic work, Ben!

Adriyanna Del Rosario for the effort she has put in this week researching the sunfish! 

I look forward to seeing the results of your information report! 

Keep up the great work, Adriyanna!

Mrs Anderson:

Marcus Hardy for beginning his research about ‘Clams’, making subheadings and finding information to add to his informative writing. 

Well done Marcus!

Johnathan Liu for engaging in his informational writing on ‘Axolotls’. 

Jonathan researched and put information into his own words. 

Well Done Jonathan!

Mr O'Hara:

Mary Mupenda for focussing on improving her understanding of division. 

Keep it up Mary!

Ali Bakhsh for his enthusiasm and team spirit while playing the new class sport “Barry”. Great work Ali!

Mrs Dainton:

Neve for her fabulous persuasive writing piece on the Seasons. 

Her imagination and creativity for her work over all the curriculum is fantastic.

Well Done Neve!

Noah for all his work on his Persuasive Writing  piece.   

Noah has worked well on his Seasons booklet as well.

Well Done Noah !

Mr Howley:

Grace Stevens for her enthusiasm and excellent work during shared writing.

Roman for his excellent work on the seasons project.

Great setting out and plenty of information.


Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Caitlyn Mills for being extremely well-behaved throughout term 2 and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates! 

Evie Gale - Evie has consistently shown all of our class values, being respectful, 

being responsible and being her best during all of our lessons. 

Well done Evie!

Mr Beks:

Rayan Vimal for being a quiet achiever in the classroom. 

Ilisha is always her best when completing work. 

Great Job 

Alice West for always having a positive mindset with each section of the day. 

You always have a big smile on your face. 

Keep it up.

Mr Poppa:

Achok Tiny for being willing to have a go at tasks and being respectful and responsible.  Keep up the great work Achok and being your best.

Jaxon Bradshaw for giving things a go and being respectful and happy in class.  

Great effort.

Mr Searle:

Kueth Agog for having an amazing presentation, speaking clearly and 

having the audience engaged. 

Amazing work Kueth!

Marita Bisimwa for always being the first to help students and staff with tasks. 

Marita always brings a bright energy to the classroom, amazing work. 

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Foilan Tonacao for your amazing presentation of the Zoo Project in Maths. 

Your work is to a high standard and you should be really proud of yourself. 

Awesome work!!

Jasmine Elnour for showing so much progress in your confidence in reading. 

You are amazing Jasmine!!