Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Reconciliation Week Whole school assemblyMonday 27th May
Subject Selection and VCE Open night (2025 Year 8-12)Wednesday 29th May 
Kings Birthday Public HolidayMonday 10th June
Athletics CarnivalWednesday 12th June

Students at work

In a Year 8 finance lesson about profits and economics, students needed to create a business and make money. Two of the students, Max and Ashton, worked to produce a 'scam business' using a fake government tax document and managed to convince their peers that it was valid!


Students have been very hands on in science recently, creating a model of an animal cell by cutting and pasting and also performing the task of fish head dissections to look at their respiratory system.


On Tuesday 21st May some of the Year 8 students visited The Keeping Place with Mr. Roberts and Megan from the hub. The students met with Rob Hudson who provided great knowledge and shared some impactful personal stories with the students.


Students have also started working on the canvas that will be placed on display in the Year 8 Hub reconciliation space.

Hub Activities

Students have been tackling the Year 8 Tetris Challenge, with Tyler being the first to solve it!

Congratulations to the following students from Year 8 for participating in the Melbourne University Maths Competition!

StudentYear group
Tex 8A
Bella 8D
Darkoda 8D
Sherry 8H
Lisa 8H
Emily 8J
Maali 8M
Emma 8M
Cassidy 8P

It’s fantastic to see so many of our students stepping up to the challenges of such a tough competition!  We are proud of the students’ accomplishments and look forward to witnessing their continued success in the world of mathematics and beyond. This competition is of a demanding standard, designed to identify real mathematical talent, and challenges and extends students’ problem-solving skills. Between 3000 and 5000 students from across Australia enter. 

Year 8 Assembly

On Wednesday 22nd May, Year 8 student leaders presented for the Course Selection Introduction Assembly, doing an absolutely fabulous job. Congratulations to all that presented and thank you to everyone else for your attention and respect throughout.


2025 Year 8 to 12 Subject Selection and VCE Open night