Principal's Message

To the College Community,


We have had another busy couple of weeks full of high quality events, learning and excursions. We continue to work closely with our local school partners and support agencies to provide our students with the best possible schooling experience.


Grade 5 and 6 Information night


In week 4 we had our Grade 5 and 6 Information night.  It was a huge success.  Approximately 150 families took the opportunity to come to our College and view our facilities, chat with staff and students and listen to an information session. Thank you to the year 7 hub team for a great night.  Well done.


Being a Learner


During our year level assemblies this week I have highlighted to the students what it means to be a ‘Learner’:

  • Being on time to classes
  • Having the right gear – school uniform, books, pens etc
  • Being respectful to the teacher and classmates
  • Doing your best (this will always be enough).

As students transition to the senior years and start to firm up their pathways after secondary school, knowing how to be an effective learner is important.  These skills will ensure that students are positioned to be the best that they can be and take advantage of opportunities presented to them.


Reconciliation Week May 27th – June 3rd

The students and staff of Bairnsdale Secondary College will demonstrate their commitment to the 2024 Reconciliation Week theme of ‘Now more than ever’ with a whole school assembly on Monday 27th May. Our student leaders, past students and special guests will be sharing their thoughts and understandings as we acknowledge the past and work together for a positive future.


2025 Year 8 to 12 Subject Selection Open night


Next week we have our Subject Selection open night.  This is an opportunity for 2025 year 8 to 12 students to have a chat with KLA staff (key Learning Areas) to explore the subjects on offer for 2025.  There will also be a presentation with information around the subject selection process, key dates and transition to the next year level.


Course Counselling Conferences


Course Counselling conferences are now open for our 2025 year 10 to 12 students.  This is an opportunity for students and families to sit with our 2025 Pathways Team and discuss future subject selections and career pathways.  Conference bookings can be done via the Compass App.




With the cooler days we see some students wearing hoodies. We ask please for families to encourage students continue to wear their school uniform with pride. Please do not send students to school out of uniform.  If for some reason uniform is a challenge, then students are welcome to access spare uniform items from their year level hub.


Thank you to all our parents and carers for your continued support of the students and staff at Bairnsdale Secondary College.


Kindest to all.


Tony Roberts