Stephanie Alexander Garden 


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden with 3/4S

After farewelling our 3/4C students, the SAKG program has started another seven week journey with 3/4S.  Thanks to all the students who have come with a positive and enthusiastic attitude.  It is so nice to see the Year Four students helping their Year Three friends navigate themselves around the kitchen.  


After several weeks of raking up autumn leaves, the gardening students got back into the vegetable gardens to plant some winter produce.  Although we had grand plans to get lots in, we were faced with a large amount of weeding.  We were pleasantly surprised to harvest a beautiful, big butternut pumpkin that grew itself from the compost bins.  All those food scraps must have been the perfect nutrients for the pumpkin seed to start developing.  There are still four more there that will hopefully be ripe enough in the next few weeks to harvest and make pumpkin soup.  


Thanks to the wonderful mothers who arrange childcare and time off work to help 3/4S with the first two weeks in the kitchen.  These amazing ladies are Sesil (Marcus’ Mum), Aseye (Eli’s Mum), Jo (Mali’s Mum), Denise (Jayden L’s Mum) and Ashleigh (Savannah’s Mum). We really appreciate the time they have given us to help the students of 3/4S.


Mrs Tammie Siegert



Student Reflections:

Today was my first day in the kitchen. We made vegetarian spaghetti,capsicum and cheese scrolls, pineapple and spring onion and a watermelon salad. I learnt how  to cut onion.into tiny pieces. - Victoria


Today I made watermelon salad I had to cut the watermelon and crumble cheese then mix it then I had to cut capsicum because I was done then all of us were done then we got to eat the food we made.  Aston


I was really excited to do cooking  for the first time at school. It was really fun. We made the main meal which was vegetarian Spaghetti. It was really good. Alexi k.


My group helpers were Nikki Sensei, Michelle and Ashleigh. Our group made vegetarian spaghetti. My job was to cut silverbeet into tiny pieces.My second job was to shred cheese. Kind regards, Jaden.H 


Today I was so excited for kitchen garden cooking. The people in my group were Alannah,Kelsey,Ethan,Jaden and Mali. In my group we made bread rolls with capsicum and cheese in it . It was the best food ever. Alannah



Today I learned how to cut silverbeets. Also I am excited to try the food we are making. My mum Ashleigh also helped me how to peel and cut garlic.  Savannah


Today was my first day cooking! Today I made a watermelon salad. Denise and Michelle helped me in cooking! It was a bit hard to cut stuff but Machelle helped me and then I started mixing. We then put some cheese and we crushed it! We then started cleaning up and we dried all of the things. Alexi and I dried the big things together. Like pots! -Nathan


Today I made a watermelon salad for cooking class. I love food so much. It was my first day of cooking this year. I even learnt how to cut food with a knife. I even had some helpers to help us cook. I had my mum to help. We even finished very early. I can not wait to eat it up. I am excited to do it next week! From Jayden.L


At SAKGP, I created a watermelon salad with Denise as my helper. I grabbed a watermelon and cut it up into 3cm pieces, added spinach and feta into tiny pieces. I mixed them together and then let them out to sit. Denise showed how to cut the watermelon into cubes and also with the feta. It smelt so tasty at the end. We just had to let Denise add the oil and pepper when we came to eat. It was a good day! -Marcus


Today Denise helped my group make watermelon salad. I learnt that there are a bunch of different ways to use a knife safely. I think my cooking and cutting skills have improved since last year. I also think that Melody really helped me with cutting my watermelon. Anita 



Today me and my group made a watermelon salad. It was fun and we also got to help the bread group cut the capsicum for their roles. Me and Anita worked very hard and I helped Mahanya in the dip group to cut the carrots and assemble the dip! It was very fun and easy for the salad but the watermelon was a bit hard to cut.-Melody


Today we made spaghetti  and I had to do the mixing  on a pan in the oven. Nikki sensei helped me with the mixing. -Jordy



Today, my group, who were making the bread for the meal we were having this afternoon, made bread rolls with bread, capsaicin, and cheese. I was excited that it was our first week but also kind of disappointed that it was our last 7 weeks doing cooking because I am a grade 4 student as grade 5 and 6 don’t do cooking. – Ethan. P


Today I cooked a seasonal fruit muffin using pears, eggs, yoghurt, sugar and self -raising flour. Eli’s mum Aseye was teaching us how to make it.We worked with partners, my partner was Jacqueline and we worked as a team. By Mahanya


Today I had an awesome time at SAKGP! I did these scrumptious looking PEAR MUFFINS. I had a great time learning about the seasonal fruits and vegs,cooking and most of all TEAMWORK! I worked with Eli’s mum Aseye. I used eggs, self raising flour, pears, greek yoghurt and a type of sugar. I would highly appreciate Mrs Siegert and the staff, as this would not have happened without their time and planning for us! By Henry