Student Awards  - Term 2


"Be Positive"


FOUNDATION B - Nicholas V for working hard and always trying to improve. Great work Nicholas! Keep it up!

FOUNDATION B - Shakira C for her positive nature and always happy and keen to make friends.


FOUNDATION G - Makenzi T for always showing kindness towards her peers and for helping anyone in need. Well done, Makenzi!

FOUNDATION G - Indi P for always being willing to help her peers and for always trying hard to present her best work. Well done, Indi!


FOUNDATION L - Dominik H for showing determination and persistence in reading.

FOUNDATION L - Aarna P for engaging in her learning with a positive attitude.


YEAR 1/2E - Levi S for making predictions and sharing insightful observations about our science experiments.

YEAR 1/2E - Daniel L for always approaching the school day with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.


YEAR 1/2PH - Kiara T for having a positive attitude towards her learning.

YEAR 1/2PH - Ciara C for confidently reminding her friend how to sound out a word that was unfamiliar to them. 


YEAR 1/2D - Elle K for displaying perseverance when completing challenging tasks. Well done! 

YEAR 1/2D - Chloe C for displaying a positive attitude throughout the school day and when completing challenging learning tasks. 


YEAR 1/2K - Mason V for working extremely hard at making better choices in and outside of the classroom. You have shown that you know how to be a thoughtful and caring friend.

YEAR 1/2K - Giselle M for being such a positive and bubbly person in our classroom. Your care for others around you is to be admired. Well done!


YEAR 1/2M - Volkan M for working hard during challenging learning tasks. Well done, Volkan!

YEAR 1/2M -  Atticus H for maintaining a positive attitude when completing challenging tasks. Well done, Atticus!


YEAR 1/2FM - Benjamin N for working hard and displaying a wonderful enthusiasm for learning. Well done Benji, you are a superstar! ⭐

YEAR 1/2FM - Natalia L for displaying a joyful heart and a wonderful enthusiasm for learning. Well done Natalia, you are a superstar! ⭐


YEAR 3/4B - Chaneli D for being such a positive and helpful student in the classroom, always asking what she can do to help. Keep shining Chaneli! Thank you!

YEAR 3/4B - Max D for responding with such an open and positive attitude during teacher hand over week. Well done Max!


YEAR 3/4C - Xavier P for striving for excellence in his work and taking on challenges in various learning areas. Keep it up Xavier!

YEAR 3/4C -  Christian J for approaching all tasks with a positive attitude and a smile. Keep it up Christian!


YEAR 3/4S-  Nathan N for the positive way listens and contributes during class discussions and small groups. Thank you Nathan for your hard work!

YEAR 3/4S-  Jaden H for the positive way he interacts and responds to both teachers and peers in the classroom. Thank you Jaden!


YEAR 3/4KC- Gracie S for the fantastic way she has dedicated herself to her work this year. So impressive Gracie, well done!

YEAR 3/4KC-  Ashwin M for the happy, positive attitude he brings to our class each day.


YEAR 3/4M - Morgan S for for approaching all learning tasks with a positive attitude. Keep up the great work! 



YEAR 5/6K - Carla X for showing persistence with your work and trying your best. For not giving up when the tasks were difficult. Well done! 

YEAR 5/6K - Chloe N for actively trying your best with your work and persevering. For taking classroom interruptions in your stride and not letting it affect you in a negative way. Well done, Chloe! 


YEAR 5/6MV - Christian P for the persistence he is showing this term, especially with a broken collarbone! You are a champion. Keep up the great work!

YEAR 5/6MV - Nikko C for the positivity you show each and every day at school. You are such a helpful, kind and caring member of 5/6MV. We are so lucky to get to learn with you every day! 


YEAR 5/6R - Hannah H for continuously striving for accuracy in all that she does. Your continued hard work pays off! Well done Hannah! 

YEAR 5/6R - Kevin H for proactively seeking feedback and guidance to support his reading and writing development. Well done Kevin, keep up the awesome work! 

YEAR 5/6R - Kate P for continuing to share her positive energy to support and guide others. Keep up the awesome work Kate!!


YEAR 5/6S - Prerana S for sharing his growth mindset attitude with 5/6S. A fantastic example for your classmates!😁

YEAR 5/6S -  Andrew C for being a positive and enthusiastic student, when collaborating with his peers. Well done Andrew ! 😀


YEAR 5/6P - Cynthia L for the enthusiastic way you approach all of your learning. Keep it up Cynthia!


Performing Arts- Elinam C for your positive attitude and enthusiasm towards Performing Arts.

Performing Arts- Harrison W for his focus, and persistence in all drama activities, and for his happy, respectful ways in class.Well done Harry!

Performing Arts-  Hayley K for your dedication, willingness to help others and outstanding talent.

Performing Arts- Luke J for his focused, respectful manner and his willingness to try new skills during Performing Arts. 

Performing Arts- Nicaland K for her consistent effort and creativity when developing characters during drama. Well done Nicaland. 

Performing Arts- Teddy G for always being prepared to challenge himself to improve when creating and performing.Keep up your good work Teddy!