Uniform Shop

St Mark's Uniform Shop, 2024.

In 2024, second hand uniform will be available from the school office when needed. We have quite a bit of good stock at the moment so please come in and make use of this affordable option for purchasing extra uniform items.

School Shirts with St Mark's Logos

The uniform shop is now selling white summer and winter shirts for boys and girls that feature the school logo. Plain white shirts will be phased out over the next 12 months. All children will be required to wear the school shirt with the logo from 2025 onwards.

Important notice:

Unfortunately we will be closing our onsite uniform shop in Term 3. An enormous thank-you to Kim who has run the St Mark's uniform shop on her own this year and to all those who have undertaken the task in the past. Unfotunately due to the growing demands and expectations from MACS, regarding financial accountability, the task is simply to complicated and too large for volunteers to be expected to undertake.


Uniform will still be available from Beleza:

Beleza School Uniforms | Head Office | 72 Wedgewood Rd, Hallam VIC 3803                      Ph: (03) 9702 3218 Fax: (03) 9702 3193 | Email: beleza@beleza.com.au 


162 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong

Phone: 9794 8775


Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm

Wednesdays Closed.

Saturday: 10am to 1pm.

The Uniform Shop will be open Fridays between 8.45am - 9:15am, for the remainder of Term 2.


Winter uniform is now in stock and available to purchase.  To purchase uniform items, please see price list below and instructions for ordering online using CDF Pay.  Eftpos is no longer available from the uniform shop however our friendly volunteers will be more than happy to help you to pay for your purchases using CDF Pay onsite in our St Mark's uniform shop.


Please go to St Mark's website if you need to order online.

St Mark's Uniform Shop




New Pricelist just released


Parents Please Note:

The St Marks Uniform Shop offers online orders at: St Mark's Uniform Shop .  Orders placed prior to 8:00am Friday will be dispatched to your child's classroom or can be held for collection at the school office.  We encourage you to use this method where possible. 


Please remember the shop is run by a volunteer and we would like to keep this service available for as long as possible for your convenience. 



St Marks Uniform Shop


Please contact or email uniformshop@smdingley.catholic.edu.au





  • We highly recommend that parents use both an iron on name label as well as a silver / gold permanent pen (not black please as it quickly becomes unrecognisable);
  • Do not label the tag of the jacket/jumper as it is too difficult to distinguish names when they’re handed into lost property & the tag is too easily cut off;
  • Please write your child’s name in several places on the inside & check each time after washing the item as pen will fade & iron labels fall off.
  • Please check that your child does not have someone else’s jacket/jumper as these can often be innocently placed into the wrong school bag or unintentionally picked up by a child thinking it was theirs;

** The more jackets/jumpers that are labelled properly the more chance of it being returned to you**


(Please contact the shop re: Open Hours)

Beleza School Uniforms | Head Office | 72 Wedgewood Rd, Hallam VIC 3803                      Ph: (03) 9702 3218 Fax: (03) 9702 3193 | Email: beleza@beleza.com.au 


162 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong

Phone: 9794 8775


Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm

Wednesdays Closed.

Saturday: 10am to 1pm.