School Advisory Council

On Wednesday 5th June, Noha, one of our SAC members represented St Mark's SAC at a School Advisory Council Dinner hosted by Melbourne Arch Diocese Catholic Schools Pty Ltd at the Catholic Leadership Centre.
Dr Edward Simons, Executive Director of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, invited the chairs of all Melbourne school's for a meal and conversation with MACS senior leaders about how we can best work together in mission.
The focus of the evening was about building strong partnerships across our Catholic school system and between our parishes and schools.
Our last SAC meeting saw the members of our SAC take part in the first Parenting workshop that was run by "Playroom Therapy" with a focus on developing optimal relations in families. "The Optimal Relationship Approach" is an evidence based approach for building a safe, secure base for children to fully flourish in the world. The staff at St Mark's have undertaken this training from a teachers' perspective - known as "Teacher Optimal Relationship Approach" and we have now been fortunate enough to have the staff of Playroom Therapy offer similar training to our families. There are two more session on 11th and 18th June from 6.30 - 8.30 p.m. in the library. You would be very welcome to come along.