The Grade 5 / 6’s students are looking at the Emmaus Story in our RE lessons through the use of Godly Play - reenacting this bible story through the use of figures and small props.
In Maths, we are looking at budgets and using money. This ties in nicely with our Cross Curriculum lessons which are focused on business and economics. The students are going to make a budget for an event and then using a spreadsheet work out how to stay within this budget.
In English, we are continuing to work on the power of strong openers and connectives in our writing while being conscious of using our grammar and punctuation correctly. I have noticed that most students are getting better at segmenting words when we do this in class time. During reading rotations are currently making their own pictures using aboriginal symbols as a part of their visual literacy development.
Performing Arts as part of reconciliation week the student watch Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dancing
Last Monday, at the beginning of Reconciliation Week, the Gr 5 ‘s and Mr Ryan made their pledge to be Fire Carriers within our school. The ceremony was attended by Michael Chisholm from the CES. The students were excited to be receiving their badges and showed great leadership in their behaviour and responses.