F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have had a great two weeks of learning and have adapted well to the various changes that can happen in a school.
The F/1/2 class had a blast during our whole school excursion. The students enjoyed being able to explore the different things at LEGOLAND. We started off the session by building some push cars. The students worked really well in groups to read and follow the instructions. We then had a chance to build, look at exhibitions, go on some of the rides and watch a 4D Ninjago movie. The students showed great bravery and resilience to try lots of new things in an unfamiliar environment.
When we were at the MacKillop Heritage Centre, the students were very respectful and shared their knowledge about Mary MacKillop. They listened to a story, and had time to make cardboard Mary MacKillops and build the stable school or Church out of Lego.
The F/1/2 students represented St Mary’s very well and it was a great day for all.
For St Mary’s Biggest Morning Tea, the F/1/2 students helped make some fairy bread for the event. The students enjoyed being part of the experience and were able to develop a variety of skills, such as fine motor skills, knife control, shape knowledge and hygiene knowledge.
In Religion, we are moving into our Grief and Loss unit of work. We have currently been focusing on life cycles of creatures/seasons, such as butterflies and frogs. We will be moving into our understanding of life cycles for people and what we can do if we experience a loss. If you have any questions about this topic or your child is becoming concerned at home, please let Mrs Parry know.
In the coming weeks, we will have a bit more of a regular schedule with not as many events currently being booked in.
Monday 10th June is a public holiday.
Tuesday 11th June: Pie Drive and P&F Hot lunch orders are due.
Friday 14th June: P&F hot lunch and Book Club is due.
In Maths, we will be moving into our data unit. This unit will focus on asking open and closed questions to get data, and then representing the data in tables, tallies and graphs. We will focus on how to write questions, sort information, group tally marks, and how to read and make pictographs, bar graphs and column graphs.
In Writing, we will be focusing on procedural texts. The students will be learning to identify procedural texts and have a go at writing them, ensuring that there is lots of detail in their steps.
We are still in our next major assessment period. The students will be participating in a variety of assessments to showcase their knowledge throughout the coming weeks. This fortnight will focus on completing some reading and phonological awareness tasks.