Principals Message

Dear families, 


What an amazing and terribly busy last couple of weeks we have had at St Mary’s. It has been such a great privilege to be part of such a wonderful community. While, the next couple of weeks do not appear quite as busy, we have many engaging learning experiences at school.



Our excursions were both a blast. Firstly with our Year 5/6 camp for three days to Anglesea. I can not commend highly enough how amazing our students and staff were during the camp. It was incredible to get to know the nuances of their character and personality during the camp. 

Our whole school excursion to Melbourne was a huge day for students and staff. Legoland was a blast with lots to do and see. I was really proud of our students when we attended the Mary MacKillop centre, especially being later in the day and after Legoland, as the staff at the venue continually commended the students on their engagement, respect and friendliness. 



Reconciliation Week/FIRE carriers commissioning

As part of our reconciliation week celebrations, we had our FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) commissioning. Students in Year 5 chose to apply to be a FIRE carrier and had to write a letter to me stating why they wanted to be FIRE carriers. Themes that stood out from letters included; wanting to be role models, seeking to assist younger students and appreciating and acknowledging Australia's history. All 9 students who applied were successful and we welcomed Michael Chisholm from CES to Acknowledge country and assist in the ceremony.


Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

What a truly successful morning we had last Wednesday with our Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. We raised in excess of $500 toward the Cancer Council. It was a beautiful morning, welcoming in many familiar faces to share laughter through a cuppa and a bite to eat. Well done to all involved.



Professional Learning

Last Friday, we welcomed Lauren Gould of the Learning and Teaching team at CES ltd. This was the second of our pupil free days this term that aligns with our Annual Action Plan in fostering best practice in mathematics. It was a great day of learning and collegial discussion of how we can best engage our students in the curriculum. It was one of those professional learning days whereby we will implement our learning as of today.



Over the next couple of weeks, our staff will be busy collecting evidence of learning and writing student reports. These will be available to families in the last week of term. There is a change to our reporting of mathematics this term as we have implemented the revised curriculum, Mathematics 2.0. I will provide further information on how this affects the report when they are sent out.


Child Safe

Over the past few weeks, we have been continuing to develop our practices for Child Safety. Our staff have all undertaken Restraint and Seclusion training as part of our professional learning schedule. We have also made a significant order for signage pertaining to Child Safety to be put up around the school.

If you, or your children, ever have a Child Safety concern, do not hesitate to come and speak with myself or any member of staff.



We continue to strive for 95% attendance for all students. We understand that this may be affected now that we have come into winter, but we know that good attendance in school is linked to higher academic achievement. Regular presence boosts learning and engagement, setting the stage for future success.



Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.



Vin Ryan 


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