The Moorabbin Primary School Community touch the land and think of the Bunurong People and surrounding Clans of the Kulin Nation who cared for the land before us.

We share our gratitude to their Elders past, present and emerging.  As we touch this land, we promise to treasure it, taking care of all its people, animals, plants and waterways. We at Moorabbin Primary School appreciate this land. Thank you.

Education Week 2024 Wrap Up


Once again Education Week has been a fantastic week at MPS. Over the course of the week, we welcomed many visitors to our school including new and perspective families as part of our weekly tours, we had educators from our Kingston network to view how we teach mathematics and educators from Beaumaris PS to view how we teach English.

As a part of Education Week which had a science focus, Mr Mouncer made ice-cream, held his STEAM clubs at lunch time and had a Lego building competition.  He has more information further along in this week’s newsletter.


2025 Prep / Foundation Enrolments


We are now taking Prep/Foundation enrolments for 2025. If you wish to enrol your child at MPS for Prep in 2025, please contact the office at your earliest convenience with your details. 


We also need to know if you will not be at MPS next year, as I mentioned last week I am now in the planning phase and need to know if I can retain our current staff.  It is extremely important that I have this information sooner rather than later, I appreciate that informing the school may be uncomfortable BUT it helps with planning and preparing classrooms, programs and staffing. Please let me know as soon as you have this important information.



The Premiers’ Reading Challenge is back for 2024! The Challenge encourages students to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. Students in Prep to Year 2 are challenged to read a total of 30 books, with 20 or more of these being from the Challenge book list. Students in Years 3 to 6 are challenged to read 15 books, with 10 or more being from the Challenge book list. 


The Challenge Book List can be found at: Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (


The Premiers’ Reading Challenge ends on September 6, 2024. Students who complete the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement. 

School Saving Bonus


You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing more information about how families will be able to access and use this support. This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school later in 2025. Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.

Online safety


Office of Safeguarding eSafety Schools are often asked how to safeguard children in terms of “digital safety”, our advice is always to monitor very closely what your child is doing when using technology. Every year new social media sites become popular, which then results in issues for students who may have negative comments made about them, in some cases cyberbullying also occurs. The Australian Government has excellent information on the following website around safety, I encourage parents to visit this site whenever you are unsure how appropriate content is for your child au/parents. 


The comments we often hear from parents are “I don’t want my child to miss out”, “everyone else is online”, “my child has a tantrum if I refuse them screen time” and so on. Rather than worrying that our child will be left out, focus more on what you believe to be in their best interests. All social media sites have age limits for good reasons, such as inappropriate content and reduced security. Your digital footprint can NEVER be erased. 


Terrific awards from last weeks assembly

Special visit from St. Kilda football club

We had a welcome visit from 4 of the players from St. Kilda football club on Monday. Mr Corrigan used his “connections” to surprise our year 3-4 students who met with them as they shared a little about themselves, how they train, where they come from, what they eat, their highlights and what it’s like to play in front of big crowds. The questions from our students were appropriate are extremely mature.


Our open morning classrooms

It was fantastic to see and have so many of our families come in and be part of their children’s learning when classrooms were opened to parents and friends. We will hold a few more before the end of the year. This particular one was in regard to how we teach Mathematics concepts along with the introduction of games that teachers implement as children become exposed and develop their skills and competency as they manipulate visual and “hands on Tools”


Building update

The school’s project facilities is well on track and the building now has all doors and windows complete along with the commencement of joinery in the form or cupboards, lockers and below is a small snippet of the joinery in the science room. Every couple of weeks when I enter the space there is always something new that has been built and it is certainly taking shape  and looking more like a “school building” I am beyond excited about the finish date and will continue to inform our community of when that will be!!!



Parent work shops


We are delighted to inform our community that over the next 3- 4 weeks our Learning specialists and enhancement teacher Zoe will be presenting 4 workshops for parents to learn more about how we teach reading, spelling and mathematics at MPS along with practical resources and handouts to take away and use at home to help support your child or just to be aware of what and how we do the teaching at MPS.


Our first workshop will be Tuesday 28th May 9.15am-10.15am


“How to support your child at home as they develop their early reading skills – A workshop for parents who wish to understand more about the early years reading skills of phonemic awareness, choosing the right books to read at home, and how to build fluency and comprehension for your emergent reader.’


Please refer to the trybooking links for registering for attendance

  • Week 7 Tuesday 28 May- with Ms Zoe Loudon 9.15am-10.15am (Art Room) 
  • Week 8 Thursday 6 June with Mr Stephen Leeden 9.15am-10.15am (music room)
  • Week 9 Thursday 13 June with Mrs Mary Tsekouras 9.15am-10.15am (music Room) 



Noxia Angelides
