
Student of the Week Award Winners-Week 4

Student of the Week Awards - Week 5

FJ - Julius F

FMM - Sam R

1/2S - Moe B

1/2K - Victoria B

3/4L - Harper G

3/4J - Jem S

3/4S - Thomas G

5/6K - Isaac H & Julian M

5/6J - Suhayb A

5/6CB - Augie D

Birthdays Week 5

Happy Birthday to ......

Aria S, Winnie A, Annabel L, Kyra M, Alexander L, Louis C, Nicholas T, Sam D and Arabella O!


In Year 5/6 and Year 3/4, we have been learning about habits. We began by brainstorming all our current habits; good, bad and neutral. Over the coming weeks, students will be choosing a new habit to make, or an old habit to break, and applying a systematic approach to making this change. 

Here are some examples of habits that our students currently have:


I shower every day.

I read every night.

I pick up rubbish off the floor. 

I always say hi to my friends in the morning. 

I brush my teeth every day. 

I arrive early for netball training. 

I go to the toilet before bed. 

I always greet my teacher in the morning. 

I keep my room neat and tidy.

I always wear my hat in the summertime. 

I drink enough water every day.

I always eat all my lunch and dinner. 




I always watch Hard Quiz

I watch footy every weekend. 

I braid my hair when I’m bored. 

I always watch YouTube in the morning. 

I always eat my salad/vegetables last. 

I trim my nails every day. 

I buy my lunch on the way to school. 

I always have a sharp pencil.

I twist my tongue into shapes when I’m bored.  

I fiddle when I’m concentrating. 




I don’t drink enough water. 

I always leave my lunchbox out in the yard. 

I sometimes pick my nose. 

I bite my nails.

Sometimes I skip brushing my teeth. 

I don’t flush number ones. 

I forget to unpack the dishwasher.

I don’t eat all my dinner. 

I drink too much fizzy drink. 

I skip over paragraphs when I read. 

I bite my nails. 

I crack my knuckles. 

Student Learning- 3/4

3/4L have been exploring chronological order and timelines in preparation for our excursion next week. We also identified the features of a newspaper article and had a go at creating our own headlines!

3/4S being brilliant bookworms in the library!

"This week in 3 / 4 J, we have begun exploring the different text features found in a newspaper article. We unpacked the importance of having an attention-grabbing headline/title, using puns, rhymes, alliteration and dramatic undertones. 

Here's some that we came up with:

"17 year old scores bicycle kick to win semi finals" - Reported by Dashiel L-S

"Little guy scores hat trick over Serbian team" - Reported by Elliot L

"Chihuahua wreaks havoc in apartment" - Reported by Heidi J

"People go cray cray for tay tay" - Reported by Daisy T

"10 year old from Carlton defies all odds, dunking on LeBron James” -Reported by Harry W

"3 year old breaks through security at the MCG" - Reported by Edward W-McG

"5 year old steals Mona Lisa" - Reported by Jem S

"Zombie teacher eats students brains" - Reported by Ahlam A

“Devil Otter ate my mini-van” - Reported by Lara J

"Popular music festival goes down hill" - Reported by Freya B