Message from the Principal Team

Week 5 Term 2

Writing Rubric - English Curriculum 2.0 Rubric 

Over the past two terms of school, Carlye and Susie have been developing a schoolwide Writing Rubric aligned with the new English Curriculum 2.0 to be implemented in Victorian Schools over the next few years. On 23 April, Susie presented the initial concepts and work to our teachers and this Tuesday, Carlye presented the continued work in progress in the professional learning session on Tuesday afternoon. Teachers were provided with the opportunity to view this document and contribute to the work. In Susie’s absence, James will be joining Carlye to finalise this essential working document over the coming weeks.


Language at CNPS Update

Since communicating the outcome of our Community Survey on the Language to be taught at CNPS, we have advertised the position twice and have not had any luck employing a teacher. Victorian Government School positions are advertised on a recruitment platform, Recruitment Online. There is currently a teacher shortage in Victoria (and across the country) and the lack of applicants for this position reflects this crisis. We will be advertising the position again; however, if any CNPS families know of any VIT-registered Italian teachers interested in teaching at CNPS, please ask them to contact us.


In the meantime, Ben May will continue to teach Wellbeing. Wellbeing, in particular addressing any bullying across the school, is a priority for the school's Annual Implementation Plan. We have tapped into Ben’s passion for Wellbeing and Engagement to support this area for improvement.


Learning Walks

This week and early next week all of our teaching staff have been relieved for a session from their class to observe a Maths lesson taught by one of their colleagues. At our Professional Learning session next Wednesday afternoon teachers will be discussing the learnings and wonderings from the Learning Walks with the aim to continue implementing high quality teaching that positively impacts student learning.


Foundation Gates on Canning Street

Over the school holidays, the Department of Education's Security Unit conducted a Safety Audit of the school. One recommendation that was made is to keep the gates that face Canning Street permanently closed. One reason for this recommendation is to ensure that our students and families are safe from bikes, scooters, e-bikes and e-scooters etc. travelling on Canning Street. The other reason is to ensure the safety of our students during school hours, as these gates are not in line of sight of staff on yard duty and we have had unknown people approach our students along the Canning Street fence line. As this area is a common play area for our younger year levels, we want to ensure that our school is safe and secure. 


The closest entry to the school for families coming from the direction of Canning Street will be the most eastern gates on Lee Street and O'Grady Street.


Synthetic Turf Repairs

We are excited to see that the tripping hazards and damaged synthetic turf were repaired this week. These repairs were funded through some of the money raised through the Great Lee Street Fete. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated school community that works tirelessly to ensure the fete is a success each and every year so that we can use these fundraising dollars to provide exemplary teaching and learning and to beautify our school.

Staff News

​We are thrilled to share that Mary, her partner Tom, and daughter Bobbie are expecting an addition to their family later in the year. The D’Cruz-Roberts family are very excited for the arrival of a baby in November. Mary has been well and plans to continue to work alongside Millie in FMM into Term 4.


Congratulations, Mary and Family!

Shout Out to Garcia and Talon 56CB

The school received the following email from a family who attended a school tour recently. We are very proud of our Year 5/6 students who take tours of the school for prospective families.  Well done Garcia and Talon!



Please find attached an enrolment application for our daughter, XXXX, to commence Foundation in January 2025.


We very much enjoyed the tour, our guides Garcia and Talon were excellent, informative and knowledgeable and very funny!


Please let us know if you require any further information from us at this time.


Many thanks.