From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome To Term 2!

Congratulations to our students for their positive approach to learning as they return to school for Term 2.  As I walked around the classrooms it is lovely to see how quickly the students had settled back into school.


Already we have had a busy start to the term. Week 1 we hosted 80 Armidale Catholic Schools Staff for two days at the Clarity Learning Conference with Dr Lyn Sharratt.  I was very proud to show the visitors our wonderful school and our children learning.  One of the visiting Principals wrote the following note to me;  

I want to express our thanks for opening up your school and being so welcoming during our Lyn Sharratt Professional Development. Many of our staff commented on the kindness and welcoming atmosphere that was presented upon arriving at St Mary's in Armidale. During the Learning Walks and Talks it was evident that your staff has significant impact on the teaching and learning environment. We noticed how engaged the students were in learning, how open and willing the children were to answer the 5 Learning Questions and also how the 3rd Teacher/walls supported the learning that was taking place in the classrooms.


This week our we have had School Photos and the Art Show.  Next week is the Kindergarten 2025 Open Morning, Diocesan Cross Country and Confirmation! We are off to a very busy start to the term. 


During the holidays, three of our school families have been challenged with difficult health circumstances. Two of our parents are unwell and a sibling of children at St Mary's is also unwell. Please pray for those who are sick and for families who care for their loved ones during difficult times.

Welcome To Our New Students

I would like to welcome the following new families & students to our school:

Year 1 Isabella Hancock

Year 2 Charlotte Hancock, Robera Kinati, Matifadza Madhuyu

Year 4 Hailey Archibald, Bella-Rose Campbell

Year 6 Tatenda Madhuyu

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day this Sunday. On Sunday we are reminded of the incredible role mothers play in our lives. We honour all mothers - the pillars of our families and society. They offer love, care, and support, often putting their own needs aside for their loved ones.  Whether it's a warm hug, a kind word, or a simple gesture of appreciation, let's make this day extra special for these extraordinary women who give so much of themselves every day.


In the Catholic tradition, we hold a special reverence for motherhood, inspired by the love and devotion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the ultimate example of maternal grace.

We pray to Mary, our Mother, for all mothers as well as those who fulfil a mother's role,  may they all be blessed!  May the love of God continue to bless and sustain all women. 

Wishing all mothers a happy and joyful Mother's Day filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones.

Upcoming Eisteddfod Information Years 1 - 6

Students in Yrs 1 - 6 will be performing at the Armidale Eisteddfod in their choirs on the 22nd and 23rd May 2024. 

The String Group will perform on the 29th May 2024 and the Percussion Group on the 5th June 2024. 


Permissions are now open on Compass - your immediate attention to this is appreciated.


To access the Eisteddfod programme, which will give more detailed information, please use the link provided here. 

Congratulations Diocesan & Polding Results

Well done to all our students who attended the Diocesan & Polding Trials recently.

Congratulations to Xavi Dent, Clancy Lawlor and Isaac Riches who were all selected to represent the Diocese at the Polding Cricket Trials which will be held in Lismore in September. 

Well done to the students who competed in the Polding Winter Trials for Hockey, Soccer and Rugby League in Tamworth last Friday. 

Congratulations to Sophie and Molly Schmude who were selected in the Polding Hockey Team to represent the region at state level. We wish them both luck in Tamworth.

Diocesan Cross Country 

Congratulations and good luck to the children heading to the Diocesan Cross Country next Friday (17th May) with Mr Lester & Miss Adams. 

Final Confirmation Lesson Year 6 Students

The last Confirmation Lesson is this Sunday 12.5.2024 at the DLS Chapel (O'Connor College) at 9am.  This lesson is the Practice for Confirmation. Confirmation is the following Sunday, Pentecost Sunday 10am at the DLS Chapel (O'Connor College) .

Please keep our Year 6  Confirmation Students in your prayers. 



             Thank you to everyone for joining us on Thursday night at our annual art show. 


The children's creativity certainly shines through in every piece of work.  It's inspiring to see the range of artwork on display.

I would like to thank our dedicated teachers and staff who have worked to support and encourage our students to produce the art. Thank you Mrs Stephen for coordinating the event. 

To our Parents & Friends, thank you for your unwavering support of our school & for catering on Thursday evening. We are so fortunate to have such a supportive community behind us.

Congratulations to the two winners, Rafael Salazar & Emerson Neary. Their work now goes to the Operation Art Competition in Sydney. 


I was very proud of the students from our school who took part in the ANZAC Day March. The students displayed pride and respect as they represented our school. 

They paid tribute to those who serve and have served to protect Australia. Also to the men and women who have sacrificed their lives to defend the freedom that we all enjoy in Australia today.



Our Open Morning provides an opportunity for parents to discover what St Mary's School offers their children. Parents can engage with our school, take a tour, and share morning tea. 2025 Kindergarten students are welcome to participate in activities with the current Kindergarten class. 


If you aware of any families with a child preparing to begin school in the upcoming year, please extend an invitation to them for our Open Morning.

Thursday Afternoon Training for Soccer & Netball in the School Paddock

All children need to be collected from the PICK UP /Rusden Street entrance and taken across the road by an adult.  

Children are not to take themselves across to the Paddock. No children are to go via the Bus exit on Jessie Street. 

Thank you so much for your help, as this is for SAFETY reasons.


Parents, please make sure your child/children do not bring chewing gum to school.

While chewing gum may seem harmless, it can pose various challenges in a school setting: hygiene concerns, mess & cleaning issues, discipline issues and distraction.


Important School Expectation

  • UNIFORM - correct uniform every day
  • MANNERS - no swearing, please, thank you, may I, use adults names
  • RESPECT - for all adults and peers
  • LEARNING - every day be ready for learning, engage in learning, 
  • SAFETY - keep myself & others safe, hands & feet to self, respect property

Thank you parents for your support in ensuring your child/children are fully dressed in their correct uniform each day.   Our uniform standard is a very important aspect of our school.  It teaches the children to show pride, understand that standards are important in their lives, as well as respecting the community they belong to. Each of us plays an important part in our SCHOOL BRAND.


I am requesting parents to please enforce the following expectations at home: 

Correct uniform each day - includes all black school shoes, clean & tidy school hat

Tidy hair - if it touched the shirt collar tied back. If the fringe is in the eyes please get it cut

 Jewellery - a watch, studs or sleepers in ears only

No nail polish.


Thank you for making sure your child is in the correct uniform and takes pride in their presentation each day. 

Attendance Matters

We are working hard on improving our student attendance because every day at school matters. 

We have set a long term goal of having a high attendance level of 90% of students at school 80%  to 90% of the time. 

Education is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. 

When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier as they are able to build on what was learnt the day before. 

Just one day missed per fortnight equates to one whole year over a child's school life! 

Arriving at school on time is also important. Classes start at 8:50am, students should arrive at least ten minutes prior to this to ensure they have time to put their bags away and greet their friends. 

Schools, in partnerships with families, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students and for ensuring that non-attendance is addressed effectively.                                    Thank you for prioritising your children’s attendance at school.  


A reminder that when a student is absent because they are sick for more than 3 days we require a medical certificate to support this absence.   

A Student with A Serious Health Condition

We have a student enrolled at school who has a serious heart condition. One of the challenging aspects of the condition is the need to avoid any contact with dogs. The child cannot be near a dog while at school. I ask families NOT to bring dogs into the school playground at any time.  Also please do not bring DOGS to any school event such as the Athletics Carnival, Cross Country or events in the school paddock.


If you bring your dog to drop off or pick up please remain on the footpath. If for any reason you need to bring a dog into the school YOU MUST contact the school office first to arrange access. 


This situation reminds us to cherish the good health of our little people and the simple joys of life. 


Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe.