Parents' and Friends'

- Narelle Hill, P&F President

Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me to the role of President. It is an honour and a privilege to lead such a wonderful group. College P&F is a very special community. I have made some wonderful friendships and had some fabulous times at P&F functions over the years. My children have reaped the benefit of the vision and dedication of previous P&F Executives. Our College students are so fortunate to have a school with such amazing facilities. 


I look forward to working with old friends and meeting new ones in my role. I am excited to continue the many traditions of College while incorporating some new initiatives with the support of our sub-committees.


I would like to pass on my thanks to the departing executives Mandy, Kate and Stacey.   We are grateful for all your hard work, enthusiastic fundraising and connecting our parent community.  You have left the P&F in a very strong position. We are thankful to have you as a mentor to the new executive and to continue as members of the P&F.


I would like to introduce the current executive:


President - Narelle Hill

Jason and I have two children, Tom, who is in year 11, and Sophie, who is in year 9. This is our 12th year at College. We live on a beef farm at Minhamite, and I work part-time as a teacher.


Vice President - Zoe Price  

Zoe and husband Nick have three girls at the Junior School, Ruby in Year 6, Sammie in Year 4 and Evie in Prep.


Secretary - Phoebe Giles

Adam and Phoebe have three children at the Junior School, Bobby in Year 3, Charlie in Year 2 and Tilda in Prep.  Phoebe is also an Old Collegian.


Treasurer - Henrieke Milne

Henrieke and Jim Milne have recently moved to Tower Hill and have three children at College, Freddie in Year 8, Emma is Junior School Captain in Year 6 and Alice in Year 1.



The P&Fs main goals are to “friendraise” and fundraise. Everyone is invited and welcome to be involved. It is a wonderful way to connect parents from our two fabulous campuses. We welcome new members to our meetings, events and our new exciting sub committees.


“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller

Upcoming fundraising

We are seeking help from keen bakers to provide slices and biscuits for the Serra Terror participants on the June long weekend. Slices need to be delivered to the Senior School Food Tech Centre on Friday, 7 June. Recipes will be provided that are simple to make and use basic pantry ingredients. 


Thanks to those who have already offered to bake. We would love a handful more bakers if possible. Please text  Jane Young  on 0459149280 if you can assist or email the P&F at

Next meeting 

We are going to trial daytime meetings. We are hoping this new time will appeal to more parents and friends. Our next meeting is Monday, 29 July, at 12pm in the Zachariah Room.

If you can’t make it in person and you would like to join us online from the comfort of home, the office etc - we would love you to join on the screen.