Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Friday was a great day here at school. Children from our local Catholic schools PLUS Thomas Carr College students currently staying at the good Samaritan Convent at Coragulac filled St Mary's Church to celebrate with Fr Michael, his Golden Jubilee. Fifty years of service to the Ballarat Diocese as a priest, the last 15 with us here in Colac.
The children especially enjoyed the slide show of photos of Fr Michael, thanks to our I.T. Administrator Trinh before meeting him after Mass on the courts at St Mary’s.
Fr Michael had to run through a footy banner in his beloved Geelong colours while the children sang “HE loves Geelong the greatest PRIEST of all etc.” to the music of the Geelong Football Club song.
Fr Michael cut a cake while the children waved their blue and white streamers. It was a lot of fun and I know Fr Michael enjoyed the morning’s festivities very much. He is very proud of our local Catholic schools and we have been very grateful to have him in our communities.
HEALTH CONCERNS With the colder months we are noticing a bit of an uptick in the number of coughs and colds getting about. Covid-19 is circulating in our community again/still so please, I would urge parents to err on the side of caution and keep children at home when they are unwell to try to slow its spread.
This week too, we have had reports of “Slapped Cheek Virus”. The symptoms are like a cold and the virus is spread via coughing and sneezing. Information can be found in the attached link.
Please hit link below
NATIONAL WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Thank you to everyone that was able to support this initiative last Wednesday. Given the current weather some may choose to make this healthy alternative a habit? The children and the environment thank you!
ENROLMENTS FOR 2025 A reminder to anyone that hasn’t yet returned their Enrolment Form for Foundation (Prep) in 2025 to please do so. I am aiming to finalise these enrolments before the end of this term.
Jack Lenaghan - Principal