Primary School

Our dedicated teaching staff have been busy completing the Semester 1 individual student reports. These reports show the progress students have made in all of their subjects for Term 1 and Term 2. Personalised comments are provided for Pastoral Care, English and Mathematics. The reports can be accessed via SEQTA Engage at the end of the school day on Thursday 20 June. To view your child’s individual report, you are required to log into your SEQTA Engage portal. If you experience difficulties accessing SEQTA Engage, please contact our IT help desk at Our IT staff will happily assist you with this process.
Next Friday 21 June, marks the last day of Term 2. We will have a normal finish time at 3:05pm. Our students and staff are looking forward to a restful break after a very busy term. We hope that you can all find time to recharge and connect with your families and friends over the 3-week holiday period. Travel safely, keep warm and well. The Main Office will be open from 9.00am - 3.00pm over the 3-week holiday. The Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday 25 June from 10.00am - 12.00pm.
I am excited to announce that we have employed Mrs Rebecca McManus who has started with us this week as the classroom teacher of 5B. Bec grew up in Echuca and after moving to Melbourne to complete a Bachelor of Music and a Masters in Teaching, she has worked at a school in Melbourne for the past six and a half years. Bec is excited to moved back ‘home’ and we welcome her to the team.
Morning Reading in Kindergarten
Each morning, the Kindergarten students practice independent reading during Tutor Group from 8:50am to 9:00am. We would like to welcome all registered volunteers to come and assist our students with their reading each morning. We ask that you sign in and out of the Primary Office when attending. If you have any questions about how to become a registered volunteer at our school, please contact the Primary Office. The Kindergarten students thoroughly enjoy showing off their decoding skills to our helpers. We hope to see you there.
Interschool Netball Tournament
“On Friday 31 May, the Year 5 and 6 students had the privilege of representing our school at the Interschool Netball Tournament on the Echuca and District Netball Association (EDNA) courts. Everyone had lots of fun, including the A girls' team, that almost made it to the finals. Although we lost a few matches, we also won several others. By the end of the day, everyone was tired, but it was a great experience overall”.
Written by Lulu Morton and Skye Starritt
“The netball tournament was an incredible opportunity for the Year 5 and 6 students to compete at the Echuca courts against other schools. It was really fun to see how well we could play competitively. The A girls' team performed exceptionally, placing third overall, while the A mixed team placed fifth. It was a fantastic experience for everyone, regardless of the outcomes, although we did win many matches. We would like to thank all the teachers and parents who helped run the day”.
Written by Oliver Knight and Hamish McDonald
Taking Flight
“On Wednesday 5 June, seven students, ranging from Year 6 to Year 12, had the privilege of being taken on a bus to Deniliquin Airport for a 20-minute scenic flight and an education session on aerodynamics, jet engine thrust and the principles of lift/flight.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by our Pilots David King (POC) and Glynn Reid from ACAM Pacific who briefed us on how to conduct a preflight check. We then had the amazing experience of flying from Deniliquin Airport over the Echuca Airport and back again. We travelled in luxury on a Hawkner 800XP private jet. The amazing interior was so lovely. We each had our own leather armchair and we loved every minute of it.
This opportunity taught us so much about Aviation and the science behind flying. We were also given morning tea before heading back to Echuca. We were so happy and humbled to have had the opportunity to experience this”.
Written by Ruby Law, Darcy-Knowles Mulholland and Issy Jennings
Pastoral Care in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students have been engaging in a Unit of Work called ‘Keeping Myself Safe’, which is part of PDHPE Child Protection Education.
Students are exploring the following lesson topics:
- Being Respectful
- I have people who keep me safe
- Who do I trust?
- Body Parts
It is important that students feel that the classroom environment is safe, supportive, respectful and inclusive. Activities provided in this unit are designed to help students contribute to, build and maintain a safe, supportive, respectful and inclusive environment. The collaborative skills explored during the lessons help students to learn and have fun whilst practising skills that contribute to a happy and safe environment. If you have any questions about this Unit, you are encouraged to contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Kinder visit to Christ Church Anglican
On Thursday 6 June, our Kindergarten students visited Christ Church Anglican in Echuca. As part of their RVE Unit on families and God's family, this visit to our school church, a member of our Moama Anglican Grammar family, was a meaningful experience.
We began with a discussion about our RVE studies this term, followed by a talk from Rev. Phil, and then we all sang a song together. The students had a treasure hunt around the church, exploring and learning about symbolic items such as the communion table, the robes in the vestry, and the stained glass windows. They also explored other parts of the church, including the op shop. A special highlight was Margaret, one of our MAG piano teachers, playing the pipe organ for us. The visit concluded with some craft activities and a prayer.
We extend a special thanks to Christ Church for hosting us.
Stage 2 Assembly
We are excited to share the highlights of this week's Stage Assembly, hosted by 4B and Mr. Ward. The students engaged in important discussions about upcoming events and the onset of colder weather, emphasising the importance of staying warm and healthy as temperatures drop.
Despite Miss Briggs' absence, the stage came together to send her a heartfelt birthday message.
We also took the time to recognise outstanding citizens within our school, nominated by their peers. Congratulations to Penrose Knight, Morgan Wright, Mahli Butler, Sam Connally, Beau Coffey, Sadie Grant, Addison Coburn, Luke Murrells and Harry Nichol for their exemplary behaviour and contributions to our school community.
During the assembly, students showcased their remarkable learning achievements. Year 3 students dazzled us with their fantastic writing and Information Reports on the Arctic, while Year 4 students impressed with their biography writing and Co-Space Information Environments.
Wrapping up on a light-hearted note, students from each class shared their best jokes, bringing laughter and joy to the Assembly. Congratulations to Oliver Patten for winning the joke competition!
Year 5 Creation Care Unit in RVE
The Year 5 classes have been working very enthusiastically on our Creation Care Unit in RVE. We have learnt that the Anglican Church has 5 Marks of Mission and that the fifth of these is ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. Having learnt this, the Year 5 students have thrown themselves into making a difference with many projects so that they can ‘Live the Change’. Some of these student initiatives include collecting rubbish and recycling this into art, student surveys on ways to improve picking up rubbish, saving energy through turning off classroom lights, presentations and posters to explain sustainable resources and how to reduce littering.
Kindergarten students are encouraged to bring ‘rubbish free’ lunch boxes next week and Year 5 students will check the student lunch boxes on Wednesday. Primary students are encouraged to collect bread tags and bring them into the Primary Office to be made into cards.
Finally, Harnaaz and Kusali have organised a toy swap for students in Years 3 to 5. Students are encouraged to bring along unwanted toys, books, teddies or anything else of good quality that another student could enjoy, and swap these for something else during lunchtime on Wednesday 19 June outside MS1.
University of Melbourne (UOM) Psychology Clinic
Our School has been fortunate for many years to utilise the professional services of the UOM Psychology Clinic. Dr Chelsea Hyde, the clinic manager and her team are scheduled to visit Moama Anglican Grammar on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 June to conduct educational psychology assessment services for selected students.
The regional clinic provides educational assessment services to communities in regional Victoria. Psychological assessments are conducted by provisional psychologists who are currently undertaking advanced training in the Master of Educational Psychology program at the University of Melbourne. All services are closely supervised by a team of lecturers and highly-experienced registered psychologists, all of whom hold endorsement in educational and developmental psychology and registration as supervisors with the Psychology Board of Australia. The clinic offers psycho-educational assessments for children and adolescents which produce a profile of cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses. If you have any questions about this service, please contact me via email
Upcoming Events
17/06/24 LifeChanger Session (Year 6 students)
17/06/24 Young Performers Concert
19/06/24 Toy Swap (for students in Years 3-5)
21/06/24 Last Day of Term 2 (3:05pm finish)
15/07/24 Staff Professional Development Day – STUDENT FREE DAY
16/07/24 Start of Term 3
17/07/24 Year 5 Camp; returning 19/07/24
26/07/24 Primary Assembly; Year 5 Performance
02/08/24 RAS Athletics (selected students)
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary