Teaching & Learning

Professional Learning Communities at Moama Anglican Grammar
This year staff have been engaged with the Science of Learning led by Dr Jared Cooney Horvath, an international expert in the field of educational neuroscience. The Science of Learning summarises existing cognitive-science research on how students learn and connects it to practical implications for teaching.
A key initiative we have implemented in 2024, to further enhance our K-12 teaching staff’s understanding of the Science of Learning, is the establishment of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
What is a Professional Learning Community?
Professional Learning Communities provide regular, ongoing opportunities for our teachers to share expertise, discuss teaching practices, and collaborate on ways to improve student learning. These communities are structured, purposeful, and focused on achieving specific educational goals.
What are the benefits of Professional Learning Communities?
Professional Learning Communities enable educators to stay current with the latest research, teaching methodologies, and best practices. This leads to higher-quality teaching, consistent instructional practices, and improved outcomes for all students.
What have MAG staff been discussing in their Professional Learning Community teams?
Through their designated Professional Learning Communities team, teaching staff have been sharing their knowledge and understanding of the learning process by engaging with “The Learning Blueprint”, an ongoing evidence-based training program developed by Dr Jared Cooney Horvath. During these sessions, teachers have shared their reflections, knowledge and strategies, benefiting from the collective expertise of their peers.
Mrs Brooke Barber
Director of Teaching and Learning K-12