Junior School News 

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Junior School Sport
  • From the Junior Resource Centre
  • Junior School Chess

From the Head of the Junior School


The Afternoon of the Achievers project sees our Year 6 students engaged in a term-long cycle of inquiry in which they have chosen a person who has immigrated, or is of immigrant descent, and gone on to make a significant contribution to Australia.  Year 6 students have chosen someone who is of interest to them and have begun to research their life before they immigrated, their immigration journey, the problems and setbacks they faced, and the significant impact they made on this country.

On the afternoon of Wednesday 26 June, students will present what they have learnt about their notable person in the College gymnasium from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm.  Everyone is warmly invited to see the culmination of Year 6's work throughout Term 2.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact your son’s classroom teacher for more details.



REDed (Raw Energy Dance Education) have your boys up and dancing every Thursday for the next four weeks at Oxford Falls as they prepare a performance using the elements of dance:  formation, directions, sound effects, feature moments and choreography.  Dance lessons start today and will culminate in a final performance on Thursday 27 June from 12:45 pm – 1:20 pm.  Everyone is welcome to come and see the boys perform and then stay at Oxford Falls for the Mid-Year Academic Awards.



After the Dance Concert, we will present Blue Academic Awards to those boys (three from each class) who have shown 'Consistent Effort Leading to Improvement' in Semester One.  Following the awards, the boys will be free to go home with parents or come back to the College for a normal dismissal.


Thursday 27 June will be the last day of Term 2 for students.



Parent/Teachers/Student meetings for Years 5 - 6 will be conducted ONLINE using Microsoft Teams on Friday 28 June 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.


How to Book

Bookings are made using the Parent Sentral Portal under the Interviews tab and saved within the Sentral account.  

All parents have been provided with login details for the Sentral Portal via email. Bookings will open Sunday evening 9 June at 6:00 pm and close Friday evening 21 June at 4:00 pm.  If you need assistance with bookings, please contact Mrs Lisa Sutton: lsutton@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au


Meetings are scheduled for 5 minutes. If more time is required, then we encourage both parent and teacher to work together and find a suitable time for further discussion.


These meetings are an important part of your child’s learning journey.  In addition to receiving feedback from teachers, they are also an opportunity for students to reflect and recognise achievements and identify areas for continual growth.



Academic Reports are scheduled to be available on the iWise Parent Portal after 3:15 pm on Wednesday 19 June. We appreciate your patience as we transition to Sentral.


Congratulations to 5 Gold student, Dylan Fok, who volunteered as part of a group of 930 young people who helped provide over 6,500 meals, snack packs, and care packages and wrote heartfelt messages to support 15 charities across Sydney over the April holidays.

The commendation from Kids Giving Back read:  'Dylan is congratulated for showing incredible leadership, compassion, and a real drive to give back to the community. He totally embodies that generous spirit, and it's a credit to the values your school instils in him.'


Before the Prep Rugby match at Oxford Falls last Saturday, a traditional smoking ceremony took place to honour the land, foster unity, and prepare the players for the contest. Led by Indigenous elders, the ceremony commenced with the lighting of sacred native plants; the smoke cleansing the surroundings and blessing the players and officials.  St Pius X students proudly wore their Indigenous jersey and presented the opposing team with a set of clapping sticks as a gift to remember the day.  Special thanks to Mr Bourke for his coordination of this special ceremony and to Mr Morris for his leadership of the students.  

More photos from the Smoking Ceremony and the Prep game can be found here:  Indigenous Round (all)



Chickenpox (also known as varicella) is a highly infectious viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A number of students in the Junior School are currently isolating with Chickenpox. Information about Chickenpox can be found here https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/factsheets/Pages/Chickenpox.aspx 



Teachers and students continue to work together to ensure students understand the expectations as defined in the Student Code of Conduct.  In particular, students and teachers are focusing on:



  • co-operating with their teachers and peers.
  • using good manners and always being courteous and respectful. 
  • allowing others to learn without being disrupted by the misconduct of others. 
  • being well-presented, prepared, and prompt to their lessons. 
  • treating others with courtesy and dignity. 
  • being considerate and inclusive of all people inside and outside the College community. 
  • not engaging in any form of verbal, physical, psychological, or online bullying.
  • ensuring that the school yard is a safe place - a hands-off policy applies at all times. 
  • not engaging in discrimination in any form.
  • being polite and considerate towards all people in all situations.
  • being well-groomed and presented: both at school and in view of the public. 
  • keeping their surroundings clean and tidy. 
  • not misusing technology.


This term we are once again supporting St Vincent de Paul and the Jesuit Refugee Service through the St Pius X Winter Appeal. Collections will run across Weeks 6 – 8.

St Vincents are reporting that the inflation of basic food prices, as well as the recent resurgence of Covid-19 are having serious knock-on effects to communities that they serve.

If you are able to donate any of the following, it would be most appreciated:

FOOD: basmati rice, cooking oil, long life milk, tinned tuna, red kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, fruit, muesli bars, biscuits, oats and cereal.

TOILETRIES: nappies (large), toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, sanitary pads, razors, shaving foam, deodorant (male and female) and soap.

CLOTHING: any good quality clothing or blankets in new or near new condition.



The Year 6 parent group are organising a father or special person/son camping overnighter at the NRMA Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park, North Narrabeen on Saturday September 7. 

For more details, please contact Michael Koruga: spxclassof2030@gamil.com 



Thank you for your continued support of the Junior School. 

Mrs Jill Greenwood - Head of the Junior School 

Junior School Sport

Thursday Sport: Winter sessions continue this week an adjusted program for Rugby, Football and Australian Rules Football (AFL). Please travel to and from school in your SPX PE uniform and bring along a change of clothes to train in.


Term 2 Schedule:

Dance Session #1: Boys will be taking part in a reduced sport training session on Thursday 6 June when not involved in dance so they are expected to bring boots, mouthguards, shin pads as appropriate to the sport they are playing.


Saturday Sport Photos: It has been great to see some of the photos taken by our SPX parents over the first few rounds of the Winter season. Can I encourage you to continue sharing any Saturday sport photos with the following staff members responsible for each Junior School sport:

Junior Athletics Carnival: The Junior School House Carnival takes place on Wednesday 12 June at the Sydney Olympic Park Warm-up venue, Homebush. A detailed letter and Carnival Program will be available on the SPX App this week. Thank you to those parents and carers who have volunteered to assist on the day. I kindly ask for any further volunteers to email me at the College jbourke@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au indicate your availability by the end of this week please (2nd June). You may be asked to assist at the recording table or help a staff member with a field event. 


Junior Football: 

Hello Football Family,

We're thrilled to share some exciting news and upcoming events that you won't want to miss!

First up, the final details for anticipated Football Social are coming together. While we're finalising the venue, mark your calendars for 14 September! It's going to be a fantastic celebration where we'll honour the incredible contributions to football made over the years by none other than Steve Quilty. Stay tuned for more details, including fun raffles and activities that are sure to make this event unforgettable!

But wait, there's more! On 15 June, join us at Oxford Falls for a BBQ and bake sale extravaganza, organised by our dedicated Supporters Club. Get ready to tantalise your taste buds and indulge in some delicious treats while soaking up the vibrant atmosphere. Bring your appetites and perhaps stay around to catch a couple of thrilling games – it's bound to be a day filled with food, fun, and football!

We can't wait to see you all there, ready to celebrate and support our football community. Stay tuned for further updates and mark your calendars for these fantastic events!

Coerver Holiday Camp

The July school holidays are fast approaching. Please see the following link to the St Pius X holiday programs Coerver course | Coerver Coaching showing 2, 3 & 4 day options. Coerver are offering an early bird discount for the 4-day camp of 10% off. This is for the first 50 players. ($260 down to $234 per player).

Players can also use Active Kids vouchers for a further $50 off. 

Junior AFL:

Illness/Injury: Thank you to the many parents and carers who have emailed me and logged the absence via Clipboard in the lead up to games to indicate their unavailability due to illness. Whilst I know for some boys, they are desperate to play no matter their condition, I would ask that if your son is too ill for school on Friday, then he should not be playing on the Saturday, especially if showing signs/symptoms of flu, Covid, or any other respiratory infection. It would be at that point on Thursday evening or Friday at the latest, I ask you to email me so I can plan for ensuring team numbers are as suitable as possible for the Saturday fixture.


For the love of the game: I am pleased to hear that there has been great spirit and appropriate encouragement shown during games from all involved; spectators, coaches, and parents. This is tremendous feedback and I thank all for your continued adherence to our code of conduct across all activities as we move into the second half of the draw.

Mr James Bourke - Junior School Sports Coordinator

Junior Rugby

Round 5 was a historical week in the IPSHA Competition. Over the weekend, all teams celebrated the first Indigenous round, and it was a special one for St Pius X College. 


The Prep Firsts hosted Trinity Grammar. The day began with a Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country by our Indigenous leaders Uncle Les and Jessy. The boys proudly wore our Indigenous Reconciliation Jersey for the game. In the spirit of rugby, our captain, Ben Patten, presented a gift (clapping sticks), depicting the Eucalyptus leaf, to Trinity on behalf of the team. In addition to the reverence and respect shown by the boys, it was a thrilling game of rugby. The boys started with great effort and focus and quickly gained an early lead which they held for most of the match. Unfortunately, in the dying minutes of the game, Trinity scored a late try to secure the victory. It was a spectacular game of rugby and every player contributed to the success of the game. Well done to all players who played and supported the team. I also thank Mr Bourke in his organisation and efforts to make the Indigenous round as special as it was. 

Mr Montgomerie reports: After a long drive to Tudor House, the U11's got stuck into what would be a difficult match. King's were able to score two quick tries, but after Hudson made a thunderous tackle on their biggest player, the boys woke up and began to compete, with Harvey and Dan making plenty of sniping runs. Injury and sickness greatly affected the team, and despite the boys' best efforts, the game finished 49-22, with 7 players left on the field. Again, the whole team displayed heart and character, not giving up until the final whistle, with St Pius X scoring the final try of the game.

Man of the match was split, with Will A playing his best game of the year with constant hard hit ups, and Hudson yet again playing nearly all positions on the field and making double figures in tackles. A special shoutout to Billy, who despite being injured, made the long commute to the game to support his team, as well as to all the boys who played despite battling sickness all week. Well done to all, and enjoy your long weekend.


Rugby Training: A reminder of compulsory after school training at Beauchamp Oval every Wednesday from 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm for ALL Junior School Rugby players. In addition to bringing rugby boots, can players also bring a spare pair of sneakers to training each week.


SPX Rugby Club

Rugby Gala Dinner

SAVE THE DATE - Grab your diary and lock in this date!  Saturday, 27 July at the Kirribilli Club from 6:30 pm – 11:30 pm. Watch out for ticket sales opening toward the end of the month.  This is a fun filled evening for the whole SPX community.


WhatsApp Group

Don’t miss out on important Rugby Club information and event details.

If you are not already part of the SPX Rugby Club 2024 - WhatsApp group, SCAN the QR Code to join.

Please direct all enquiries to spxrugby@gmail.com.

Mr Antonio Morris - Junior School Rugby Convenor

From the Junior Resource Centre

I Don’t Remember the Title but the Book was…. RED

Anyone who works in a library would have had been asked …'I don’t remember the title but it was (insert colour here).'

And nine times out of ten, your amazing librarian would have been able to recall the book and put a smile on your face when they handed it over to you! Lots of happy smiles this week in the JRC.


Winners of the NOW MORE THAN EVER Colouring Competition 2024

Krishav Arora and Zac Quinnell


Literature Promotion in the JRC

This week Year 5 researched the Awesome Author – Jackie French. They enjoyed listening to the story The Beach They Called Gallipoli. This book is about Gallipoli, the place, and what happened on Gallipoli Beach, from the ANZACS first landing in April to their retreat in December 1915. Images, memorabilia, illustrations and photographs enrich the recount of the months that followed the landing.  A challenging read – PRC ID: 3019


This Week Year 6 read and discussed ANZAC Girl – The War Diaries of Alice Ross–Kingby Kate Simpson and Jess Racklyeft.Using extracts from Alice’s actual diaries kept in the Australian War Memorial, this story captures the danger, the heartache and the history of the young nurse who would one day become the most decorated woman in Australia.

PRC ID: 660747


Mrs Martin’s Book Trail: Lightfall: The Dark Times by Tim Probert

One of my favourite graphic novels. Lightfall: The Dark Times is utterly spectacular. From the gorgeous illustrations to the amazing characters, this graphic novel, the third in the Lightfall series, seriously shines.

So much of Bea’s journey, her anxiety and the wisdom those around her share was so beautifully captured. 

In Lightfall: The Dark Times, Bea and Cad continue their quest. They and their fellow of group of survivors are travelling to the Citadel of Knowledge. If they can understand more about what is happening, they might be able to find a solution. But the journey is hazardous and Bea, Cad and their friends must make some tough decisions if they are to reach safety and find the answers they seek.

Age guide: 8 and up a must read and a fantastic series.

Im looking forward to discussing this series with Isaiah. #mrsmartinsbooktrail2024.

Mrs Elena Martin - Teacher Librarian

Junior School Chess Club

Thank you to all the students who attended Chess training on Tuesday 4 June.  

A reminder that the NSW Junior Chess Competition continues this week. Team A AWAY V’s Neutral Bay A, Team B AWAY V’s Neutral Bay D, Team C AWAY V’s St Ignatius Riverview B and Team D have a BYE.

Please see Ms Boyle on Friday to collect the Match Result Sheet. 

Neutral Bay Public School

Ben Boyd Road Neutral Bay


St Ignatius’ College Riverview 

Senior Campus (Room WA111), Tambourine Bay Road, Lane Cove.

The draw can be found here: https://www.nswjcl.org.au/

  Mrs Elena Martin - Junior Chess Convenor